Born March 20th
6:11 pm
8 lbs, 3 oz
19" long
You may feel as if your physical energy is simply not in a place where you can access it at this time, dear Aries. You may experience a tremendous sense of frustration when you try to engage in a physical routine or sport, and you don't feel as if things are clicking into place as easily as they should. At the same time, this invalidation is taking a toll on your entire sense of self. Do not get down on yourself for feeling the way you do. Accept the fact that there are good times and not so good times for doing certain things.
Funny you should mention it..... (I think to myself). Perhaps it's the 7 lb. baby living in my belly...I dunno, ya' think...? Hey,I thought it was funny.
Posted by Ranting at 3/09/2008 01:10:00 AM 0 comments
Because of my sweet husband's latest turning of age, I decided to find his new favorite song. While doing that, I found the video and wanted to share. It's funny what an apple commercial can do for one's career!
Posted by Ranting at 3/08/2008 11:44:00 PM 0 comments
Here's some photos of the nursery. Now all we need is some furniture! The bottom right photo is of the quilt we'll be using.
Posted by Ranting at 3/05/2008 12:30:00 PM 2 comments