

I need to unload some crap. I thought i might do it here. Hope you don't mind. It has been a minute since i posted on this the prebaby blog that I once nurtured the way I now try to nurture my son. I find myself trying to work through some crap. Let's see, where should I start?

My father died December 8th
I feel like I want to claw my own skin off (not really sure what that's about)
My antidepressant works but is ravaging my liver (yay)
Motherhood is challenging
I am very restless
Several health issues diagnosed in 2010; sleep apnea, fibromyalgia, TMJ disorder

With all that I am just exhausted mentally and constantly physically fatigued. Not to mention I have had no 'me' time. Thus, no down time, no grieving time, no nothin'... Of course I can have scheduled 'me' time but what good is that? When it's convenient for everyone.

I will now breath in and exhale slowly...


My Yellow Bag

Funny thing, personal happiness.
Some find it in a walk or a hug.
Some find it in the person lying next to them at night or in the dog that sleeps at their feet.
Me, lately, I’ll take it any way I can get it.
A few weeks ago, I thought I had found it. My small piece of happiness…
hanging just there… from a metal rack, illuminated by florescent lighting.
Oh sweet yellow bag!
How I love you. (Well, it was you or your lime green twin.)
Decisions, decisions!
Jacob made it easy for me. He chose yellow.
Sweet baby boy.
He IS my true happiness.
I just wonder how long I’ll be able to take him along purse shopping…


The Two Yous

Jekyll and Hide.

Now that's a thought. When is the last time you thought of anyone in your life in such a way? Have you thought of yourself this way?

I must admit that I have on occasion.

There is the mother who loves her son and husband. Goes to work and does a good job. Cares about the world in general.

Then there's the big pile of shit that I sometimes feel like.

It's not that I always get to this place by myself. No, sometimes, I have help. You see, My husband is also a pile of shit sometimes. There is something to be said for a man to be able to make his wife want to kill herself. But hey, just apart of the job. Right?

So that's me today.

Not that I would (probably) do anything to myself. I have my son to take care of and watch after. It's just that sometimes I wish I were dead. Maybe, invisible, would be less permanent.

Yes, I wish I could be invisible sometimes.



With the upcoming holiday.... it made me think of how thankful I am for the things I have. Of course I am thankful for my husband whom I almost lost a couple years ago to divorce. Which led to a make up, which in turn led to our beautiful son, Jacob.

I am thankful to have a great job that I enjoy every day...ok, almost every day.

I have a roof over my head, food in my belly, and for once in my life.... I actually do feel loved. Even through the antidepressants, I can still feel love.

I must admit that I am pretty numb to other emotions. Not really numb, but I feel them, and they are very dull.

However, when I am with my son.... his love for me burns into my soul. It's wonderful.

Thank you G-D for all that you have helped me attain. For G-D, I am truly thankful.



Today marks another wonderful week coming to a close. It’s Friday afternoon 3:50… Louis Armstrong comes on Pandora. “What A Wonderful World” plays as I finish up my weeks filing. I sigh heavily, thinking to myself, that yes, sometimes it is indeed a wonderful world.

Despite all the crap that is going on these days, it can still be a wonderful world. For me, having the ability to see that beauty in all that ugliness makes me happy.

I am glad to be alive today.


DNA Testing Anyone?

Now, I pride myself on the fact that I don’t have a huge assortment of pet peeves. I have some. Come to think of it, really, only a miniscule amount.

Let’s see…

If you are an animal owner, take care of your animals. ATTENTION: This means if you have a dog and live in Dade County Georgia, please abide by the ‘leash law”. That way at 4 in the morning when some random dog gets my dogs worked up by peeing on the fence, it won’t be YOUR dog that I wish were dead or that I could shoot it with a paint ball gun.

If you’re a tree hugger… don’t buy a HUGE SUV and then plaster your love for the environment, in the form of bumper stickers no less, all over said HUGE SUV…!

Well duh, no explanation needed there.

Last but not least…

If you carry nail clippers on your person, don’t use the freakin’ things in public!

WHY?!? WHY!?! Why would you clip your nails, say, at the doctor’s office as you wait? Or worse…at work!?!

Please people, do this in the privacy of your own homes!!! That way, if I look over and see the afore mentioned fragment of DNA sitting in the seat beside me… I know it’s not yours!


Oh where, oh where have I been?

Well, as you all know, I am a new mommy. I never thought that I would belong to this "Mommy Club" that you hear buzz about in Parenting mags, or that you hear other parents talking about...

But it's true. I am officially a card carrying member of said club. And let me tell you, it is the best, most humbling, awesome, enjoyably exhausting, and fulfilling job I have ever had!

I never knew you could love one tiny being so damn much!

So with all that being said, it has changed my views of the world and the way I think and reacting in the world around me.

Well, my time is short and I must go. I have more important things to do than veg out in front of the computer....(oh those days.....). Until next time.


Just call me "Mommy".

Jacob Daniel
Born March 20th
6:11 pm
8 lbs, 3 oz
19" long


My Horoscope Today

You may feel as if your physical energy is simply not in a place where you can access it at this time, dear Aries. You may experience a tremendous sense of frustration when you try to engage in a physical routine or sport, and you don't feel as if things are clicking into place as easily as they should. At the same time, this invalidation is taking a toll on your entire sense of self. Do not get down on yourself for feeling the way you do. Accept the fact that there are good times and not so good times for doing certain things.

Funny you should mention it..... (I think to myself). Perhaps it's the 7 lb. baby living in my belly...I dunno, ya' think...? Hey,I thought it was funny.


You say it's your birthday...!

Because of my sweet husband's latest turning of age, I decided to find his new favorite song. While doing that, I found the video and wanted to share. It's funny what an apple commercial can do for one's career!


Coming Soon

Here's some photos of the nursery. Now all we need is some furniture! The bottom right photo is of the quilt we'll be using.


Watching The Clock

Have you people looked at the count down lately? I know I have.

Good news...the room is painted, carpet is clean, and curtains are on the windows. Yayy! Looks like a real room now. Not some big pile o' crap we ignore and pretend doesn't exist. Now as for the rest of our lil' home, it needs some straightening. I have tried to remedy this, but lets face it people...I'm too tired and too unable to move things around as need be.

Now as far as needing things done, the Husband is The Man. He has been wonderful through all of this and so patient and sweet. He must really be a saint 'cause I was already a bitch before getting pregnant and now I'm just a bitch that cries sometimes and sleeps very little. Bless his soul!

The whole pregnancy has been pretty uneventful. That's a good thing. They say that it could be as soon as March 15th for delivery. We'll see.

Now, I must go find something to eat. I'm starving!


From Blah to Babyrific!

With the new year approaching fast and my Baby Byer countdown Widget now saying 90 days until the bundle o' joy arrives... I think it's time to get down to business with that extra place in the back of the house that we have tried to avoid for months now and make it baby ready. After all, the sock drawer will only last him for a few weeks or so. Better just get to it.

Ready, Set, Go!


Theodore 2005-2007

You received a name of such grandeur for your exceptional ability to snuggle up with anyone who would let you. Even though you were a thin and sometimes frail cat... You were like a teddy bear, hence the name, Theodore. We will miss you.


Holiday Goodies For The Eyes

These are just my way of saying Happy Holidays to all the fine people out there. Plus I wanted to show off some fantastic christmas inspired photos brought to you by the JRB. To see more of this wonderful photography, please click here . Enjoy!!!!


Baby Byer Update

I recently visited one of my OBs. Yes, I said "one of" because I have 2 different offices that I have to go to. There's Regular OB and High Risk OB. These a courtesy of HR OB. Don't worry though, I only see the HR OB because of my insulin resistance. All is well as of right now.

During the ultrasound, he acted like a lil' ham for the "camera". Proving that yes, he will fit right into the family!

This first picture is a standard side profile of our baby boy.

This second one is kind of shocking because he's looking right at us!!!


The Golden Compass

I must say given all the drama surrounding the release of this movie, I am very interested in reading the book and then seeing the movie...

Protesters welcomed the premiere of "The Golden Compass"..
Many Christian groups are calling the movie anti-Christian and warning parents not to let children see it.

A group in Ft. Oglethorpe is part of that controversy...

"Know before you go" say the signs greeting the Friday night movie crowd at Battlefield Cinemas in Ft. Oglethorpe.

This group isn't protesting the movie theater, just the movie "The Golden Compass."

Protestor Ralph Pyle says, "We're trying to make parents, and pastors, and Sunday School teachers, and Christians aware of how some of these movies are being filtered in to their children."

The movie has drawn massive Christian opposition.

Organizations such as The Catholic league and Focus On the Family have taken a stance against the movie for the pro-atheist/anti-church message they say it promotes.

The movie is based on a series of books written by outspoken atheist Philip Pullman, although the author denies any hidden agenda.

In the books children fight to kill a character called God.

Some say the idea is anti-Christian and goes against biblical teaching, but the film's stars disagree.

Nicole Kidman plays Ms. Coulter in the film.

She says, "I mean I don't see it as that and obviously its open to interpretation, but I would be surprised if people actually saw the film and felt that."

Pyle admits he hasn't seen the movie and his grandchildren have even chosen not to watch it. He says he just wants more parents to pay attention to the movies their children see...

Pyle says, "Somebody said 'Well, its a choice.' And I love the idea of it being a choice, but I wish they would also after seeing the movie is take them to church Sunday and give them a choice there."

Click here to read more about "The Golden Compass" and find out what other local people have to say.

Of course, keep in mind, I have not yet laid eyes nor hands on book or movie.
With that said, my question is this...
According to the local news reports am I to form an opinion and believe this "witch hunt"?
Sure it may have atheistic views...
So does that mean that we should have a good ole'
Book Burning ?

Things like that have done so much good for entire countries in the past! I feel I MUST see this movie now! I need to actually form my own opinion instead of believing what someone else tells me to.
Plus I'll need to know if I need to show up at the "bonfire" or not...


Life For Hire

I need someone to organize my life and my home....and be extremely affordable, yet offer quality work...ughhh! I am currently cleaning out the extra room that is to become the nursery...however, it's like crazy madness with the amount of shit that's piled up in there!


Help Me, Help You

I hate stupid people. I find myself frustrated because I am STILL having to remind a certain person of the correct thing to do at their job. Pay some attention. Maybe if you did, I wouldn't have to watch after you so much. In turn I wouldn't be so mean and hateful to you and everyone around me!!!



I can't believe I am going to be a mother. I mean, obviously my body has decided otherwise. Perhaps the giveaway now is my protruding belly. Yesterday I reached 16 weeks. This upcoming Friday we hope to identify the " sex" of said protrusion.

We have done nothing with the junk room that is to be the nursery. Of course at this point I feel I should rent a dumpster, nail all things I deem important to my household down, and turn our dwelling on it's ear, allowing all the "crap" to fall into the waiting dumpster.

I know this is not a great theory, but there is simply too much stuff to got through!!! Stuff we haven't laid eyes on in over 6 years. Clothes that haven't been worn since G-D was a boy...!

I'm just frustrated and am praying for simplicity. Perhaps I will come home and find that the junk fairies have visited and taken all the things I don't need, or even really want, away from my home.

I fear that I will have a child that sleeps in the drawer of our bedroom furniture. I mean it...nothing has been done! The drawer may be a good possibility at this point!

Perhaps I will go lie down and read...all this thinking about working on the house has me exhausted and stressed to the max...lol!



Do you know someone who has assimilated for someone else? I think everyone does... or has been... I know I have.

as·sim·i·late (ə-sĭm'ə-lāt')

v., -lat·ed, -lat·ing, -lates. v.tr.

  1. Physiology.
    1. To consume and incorporate (nutrients) into the body after digestion.
    2. To transform (food) into living tissue by the process of anabolism; metabolize constructively.
  2. To incorporate and absorb into the mind: assimilate knowledge.
  3. To make similar; cause to resemble.
  4. Linguistics. To alter (a sound) by assimilation.
  5. To absorb (immigrants or a culturally distinct group) into the prevailing culture.


Dirty Dirt

Does anyone else ever wonder why some companies feel that it is necessary to post the sign, "Employees MUST wash hands!", on the bathroom wall?

Is it some way to try and make me feel better about my visit to said business. The fact is stated plainly on the wall that their employees supposedly have clean hands?

Call me a little pessimistic if you must...

However, that flouresent sign on the mirror in the ladies room makes me a little afraid. Afraid that this business, that I have elected to visit of my own free will, hires people that they have to remind to wash their hands!!!


I think I'm gonna go shower now. I feel a little dirty all of a sudden.

Long Weekend

So this is a long weekend for many. I know that I am enjoying the idea of not having to go back to work on Monday...

Although Tuesday, I will be so busy that I won't have time to breathe! Some say the longer weekend is not worth it. Me... I say it is. Tuesday will go by so fast that it won't even matter by Wednesday. Hehehe!

I'm just thankful for the 3 days of relaxation!


21K Preschool

Cruising threw the vast internets this morning, I came across this lil' story from the AP.
As an expectant parent, I found it interesting. However, it may be a bit of the overkill in this case...

Parents, take it from the women who run one of the city's most sought-after preschools: Don't go crazy over getting your kids into the hot ticket in your town.

''We really feel strongly that a quality early childhood experience is essential for the growth and development of young children, and can give them a wonderful start for understanding what they need in order to learn,'' says Nancy Schulman, director of the 92nd Street Y Nursery School in Manhattan. ''But it doesn't have to be in a particular place.''

Schulman and associate director Ellen Birnbaum are used to encountering real preschool anxiety.
In hypercompetitive New York, the preschool application process is fraught with worry: limits on application numbers; play sessions that serve as school interviews; worries that somehow, whatever happens when children are just three or four years old will make or break their chances for success in life.
A spot at the 92nd Street Y--where teachers are considered among the best in their field and tuition runs $21 thousand a year for four- and five-year-olds--is coveted by many, including boldface names such as Woody Allen, Michael J. Fox and some of Wall Street's heaviest C-suite executives. It's sometimes called the Harvard of preschools.

But in their new book, Practical Wisdom for Parents: Demystifying the Preschool Years, which covers both home and school life, the educators say parents need to set aside all that.

Go with your gut when choosing a preschool and don't worry much about reputation, cost, or any of the scores of bewildering factors a parent weighs, they say....

Now, is my baby's future worth 21K???.... You betcha'!....Am I gonna spend that kind of money on a preschool? Highly unlikely. But it is a thought....Nawww, just kidding! Even I'm smarter than that...And I didn't go to a 21K preschool! lol!


INs & OUTs

Hmmm, funny how long it's been since I last blogged. I have had a lot going on.

So good news first. I have recently found out I'm gonna be a mommy! Wow! A mommy! ......hmmm........ oh shit!

Well, it is funny ho much you think you know about life until it becomes apparent that you are going to be the teacher and roll model for someone else. It can totally flip you out. I am excited, yet scared all in one big ball of nerves.

No morning sickness yet. Just a little nauseated. I would love to be one of those lucky women that never throw up while with child! That would be fantastic!!! I'd be like Yayyyy for me!

One downer is this...because of the "Syndrome X", AKA; Insulin Resistance, I am VERY predisposed to becoming a victim of the gestational diabetes (the diabetes may stick around after the birth as well). Which in turn automatically makes me "high-risk". And therefore, basically, screws me and the wee one out of the birthing center of our choice.

I feel like I'm being told to go to jail, go directly to jail...and DO NOT collect $200.00! Ughhhghh!

Until next time people!



...the storm has passed. I feel calmer than I have in quite some time. I have had a great week. Things might work out.

Sadly, there will always be a part of me that is apprehensive about him. I don't think I can help it. If it is not there forever, at least I know that it will be there for an extended amount of time. I can admit that to myself.

So, everyone have a great weekend! I know I'm going to! Yayyy for Me!


I have not had a full nights rest in 4 days. I also have not had an appetite. Now, I do not know if that is from illness, stress, or a mixture of the two.

I feel as if I have had a giant weight lifted off my shoulders. At the same time, I am utterly confused about what's next.

I guess I will find out soon. I am going to let the other shoe drop. Hopefully it will step forward and not backward. Feet, don't fail me now.



I think that a fuzzy haze has descended upon my life once again. Things are not as they should be. I am out of sorts. That never happens unless alcohol is involved.

Decisions need to be made. These aren't your run of the mill laundry list details. These are life changing decisions I am going to eventually have to make.

I have found that happiness can not be achieved by projecting your wants and needs onto another person. I am responsible for my own happiness. Me...that's it.

It's frightening really to think about how I have just floated along the river of life. Choices I've made have shaped this river, but those were only slivers and crescent curves in the water of life. I fear that not only will this produce rampant rapids, the river may actually dry up all together.

I have not been myself for some time. I think it is time that I find out who I really am. I know the old me is still there beneath all this baggage and misery that I have heaped upon myself. Deep down, she's still there. Barely breathing and unable to see the light of day. She is still there.

I just have to find a way to coax her out from hiding. To retrieve her life, grasping it with both hands and swearing to never let her go again. Ever. No matter who walks through the door.

Pain is a funny thing. Which is odd that I say that, because pain is not fun... It, however, is a fact of life. Just as so many things are facts in this life of mine. Facts that I have denied for several years. Always hoping that I could love enough to erase all the bad.

Love is blind. Unfortunately, there is one thing love can't hide....hurt.

I don't love you

Well, when you go
Don't ever think I'll make you try to stay
And maybe when you get back
I'll be off to find another way

And after all this time that you still owe
You're still the good-for-nothing I don't know
So take your gloves and get out
Better get out
While you can

When you go
Would you even turn to say
"I don't love you
Like I did

Sometimes I cry so hard from pleading
So sick and tired of all the needless beating
But baby when they knock you
Down and out
It's where you oughta stay

And after all the blood that you still owe
Another dollar's just another blow
So fix your eyes and get up
Better get up
While you can
Whoa, whooa

When you go
Would you even turn to say
"I don't love you
Like I did

Well come on, come on

When you go
Would you have the guts to say
"I don't love you
Like I loved you

I don't love you
Like I loved you

I don't love you
Like I loved you



Well, I am sick again. Of course this has been going on for about 5 weeks now. Finally I went to the Dr and they put me on some more meds. I got some more blood tests done and we are waiting on the results...yayy!

Today I went home from work early. I could barely hold my head up. My lymph nodes are huge and feel like I have marbles under my skin...

So pardon me for the lack luster commentary of my day. I think I'll get ready to go to bed now.


What The Fuck

If you had very little money because of all your credit cards, car payments and other shit you "had" to have...Why would you spend $150.00 on something you don't fucking need?

Personally, I wouldn't. Unfortunately, I am married to someone who has a spending habit. It's not drugs or gambling or even women. It's just useless shit that he won't even care about having inside of a month. I guarantee that.

I love him a great deal, but I am sick of not ever having anything. Sure he makes most of the money, but I put in a full 8 a hours a day too.

I deserve something. I go to the bar 3 to 4 times a month and that counts as my "allowance". Of course it is sure to be thrown up in face at a later date. FUCK! So why don't I just sit at home and do nothing. I think I'll just sit here and wait for the credit card bills and the car notes and the motorcycle payment reminders to pile up around me.

I am sick to death of feeling like I am getting the raw end of the deal!

The funny thing is, I just mentioned to someone today how he was really trying to make this marriage a team effort.

But I feel I have to draw the line at getting credit cards your spouse knows nothing about, charging it up, and then asking forgiveness when the bill comes at the end of the month is bull shit.


Well, here it is Sunday again. My week went by so fast. And of course the weekend has gone by faster. The hubby and I went and met R and Keith for some fun at the Applebee's last night. I often have a few beers, some food and of course a few shots.

Well, I was feelin sassy yesterday before we left for the big town of the nooga and decided to find some new shots to try out while at the bee's.

I think I found a winner. It is called Antifreeze. Why does it have that name you ask...

Well, it's as green as it's namesake and I think it could effectively keep your engine from freezing in the wintertime. Its Melon Liq & Vodka.

Now, I suggest a higher quality vodka than well at your local pub. However, I had to rough it since they were out of Grey Goose. So try it with a good vodka and mix to chill.

It was strong, but I sure did laugh a lot last night!!!


Help!.....Save My Slipper!

So this morning I am going about my Saturday morning routine. This consists of starting the coffee, popping some frozen waffles in the oven, and generally just waiting for those two things to get finished.

I had went back and forth in the house several times. This is when I noticed that Theodore was following me. Almost a "stalk" if you will.

Now, for those of you who do not know Theodore and have not had the pleasure of meeting him, please understand, he is one of the sweetest cats we have ever taken in. He has been a part of our family for two years now.

So he's right on my heals. I check to make sure there is food and water. Whiley, Luckie, & Pigeon do not seem extra needy this morning like Theodore is. I am standing in the kitchen and he grabs hold of my slipper! I'm thinking, "silly kitty". He then proceeded to bit my big toe and take off with my slipper in his mouth!!! "Aggggggghhhh!", I cry out. The husband watches, with his mouth open as Theo attacks and wrestles with said slipper in the middle of the dining room floor. He was really trying to rip it apart. His tail was all fuzzed out and everything!

So, we are thinking he is just playing and got a little rough with my foot. After all, he was only after the slipper, and my foot just happened to be in the way....

A few minutes later, he has me cornered in the kitchen going for my bare feet! Then the husband came in the room and Theo went after his feet!!! What the hell?

I am worried about him. I put him in time out in the laundry room away from us and the other cats hoping he just needs to relax some.

The last time I had my own cat attack me (Taffy, who I had from age 3 to 21), she had a tumor growing in her belly. We had it taken out and then she was fine. I hope that it's not so serious with Theodore.

Time will tell. I'll keep yall posted.


I know, I know...

I know lots of things. One of those things being that I have not "really" blogged in some time. Things have been hectic in the Ranting world.

So, today I sit here in front of the computer waiting for my delicious Mexican Feast to cook. Now, this gets me to thinking about people who are fans of the Ranting Mexican Feasts. Who is my number one fan? No other than our own Real.

However, at this present moment in time, he is wondering around NJ somewhere with that wonderful girl we refer to as "The Lesley".

YAYYYYY! I know you guys are having a great time!

This time also gives me the opportunity to introduce the "bare bones" myspace page I have started.

This will also enlighten some about my previous post on Charisma. He really is very charismatic!

Mmmmmm, I think dinner is done!

Peace to my peeps and I'll holler at yall later...



The word charisma (from the Greek word χάρισμα (kharisma), "gift" or "divine favor," from kharizesthai, "to favor," from kharis, "favor": see also charism) refers to a rare trait found in certain human personalities usually including extreme charm and a 'magnetic' quality of personality and/or appearance along with innate and powerfully sophisticated personal communicability and persuasiveness. Though very difficult or even impossible to define accurately (due to a lack of widely accepted criteria in regard to the trait), charisma is often used to describe an (elusive, even undefinable) personality trait that often includes the seemingly 'supernatural' or uncanny ability to lead, charm, persuade, inspire, and/or influence people. It refers especially to a quality in certain people who easily draw the attention and admiration (or even hatred if the charisma is negative) of others due to a 'magnetic' quality of personality and/or appearance. Similar terms/phrases related to charisma include: grace, exuberance, equanimity, mystique, positive energy, joie de vivre, extreme charm, personal magnetism, personal appeal, "electricity," and allure, among many others[1]. Usually many of these specific qualities must be present within a single individual for the person to be considered highly charismatic by the public and their peers.

Despite the strong emotions they so often induce in others, charismatic individuals generally project unusual calmness, confidence, assertiveness, dominance, authenticity, and focus, and almost always possess superb communication and/or oratorical skills. Although the etymology of the word ("divine gift") might suggest that charisma can't be acquired, and despite the persistent inability to accurately define or even fully understand the concept, it is believed that charisma can be taught and/or learned. Others [Who?] disagree with this assertion and maintain that it is an inborn trait and that it cannot be either learned, taught, or 'gained.'


Tax Free Holiday....I Call Shenanigans!

Today in the big Nooga' the government has blessed us with a tax free holiday. Now for those of you unfamiliar, this is a day generally reserved for back to school. However, the TN gov. having the idea of a spring shopping tax break, instead of paying citizens back for over taxation , hence, causing there to be a huge bankroll (for a state that can't even manage their own "health insurance" issues). It has been declared this weekend a tax free for all. (Clothing, computers and school supplies.)

Now, the husband needed new shoes. One pair for work and one for leisure, (to be pronounced with a long e). I also had some needs that I hoped that this tax holiday could satisfy. Jeans and a swimsuit.

We venture out, off the mountain, 45 miles to the shopping heartbeat of the Nooga. Kohl's,Goodies, and a Target oh my!

Peolpe and clothing abound at our first stop, Kohl's. Levis...$19.99!!!! SWEET, they STRETCH too!!! Bathing suits from elbow to asshole... The jeans did not fit! NONE of them! Bastards. . (I mutter to myself about a possible conspiracy...) Bathing suits... NONE over a size 16!!! Damn it!
I ask husband...got shoes? Yes, he says. Off to our 2nd stop.

Goodies had NOTHING for anyone in a size 20 that I thought my grandmother wouldn't already have hanging in her closet. Quick exit!

Now, I'm holding out for a miricle at the Target. I go in, focused, untouchable. Climbing and clawing my way to the plus size swimsuits. (The jeans have fallen to the wayside at this point.)
I find ONE cute, attractive, and reasonably priced suit. I go to try it on. Motherfucker doesn't fit. Looked like two wild boars doin' the fandango in there!!!! UGGGHHHHH!

So no swimsuits were found at any of these places. However, I did notice a trend. All the tankini bottoms now come with belts. Belts people, really, on a damn bathing suit!!! Perhaps manufactures could save all that extra fabric they used to make said belts on all the suits in Chattanooga and sew me a decent swimsuit that my ass doesn't hang out of. It could be a suit of many colors! Yayyy!

So with all that said, and the conspiracy theory proven, I must inform my dear friends that it was not a tax free holiday for the Ranting. I feel overtaxed and pooped out!



A- Available or Single?
Nope, married for 8 years in May.

B- Best Friend?
#1 Carrie: All the way back from middle school days. We are still tight 17 years later!
#2 Keith: New found to my collection. When we met we were both like, I think I met you in a past life... Kindda' like kindred spirits.

C- Cake or Pie?

Cake, but only if it's very, very moist. I am especially weak for a bunt cake of any persuasion!

D- Drink of Choice?
Morning coffee. Strong and dark. Heavy on the French vanilla cream and one Splenda.

E- Essential Item?
Ipod, gotsta have it in the car!

F- Favorite Color?

G- Gummi Bears or worms?
Bears please. Generally,I am opposed to eating worms.

H- Hometown?
Chickamauga, Ga (silly spell check, that IS how you spell it!!!)

I- Indulgence?
I don't really have any. Nor do I have a chance to get any. My husband has too many.

J- January or February?
January of course!(Word has it on of my favorite peeps birthday is that month.)

K- Kids?
Not now, maybe later, after I grow up.

L- Life is incomplete without?
Please refer back to letter D

M- Marriage date?

N- Number of siblings?
2- One brother I claim who is technically my Bil. The other is 10 years younger than me and it depends on what day of the week it is whether I claim him or not.

O- Oranges or apples?

P- Phobias/fears?
I hate me some zombies. They are ever so slow, but they always catch you!!! Ok, ENOUGH about that!

Q- Favorite Quote?
"Well behaved women rarely make history."

R- Reasons to smile?
I am alive! After all, it would be hard to smile if I were dead!

S- Season?
Spring and fall, both great gardening seasons. The alpha and the omega.

T- Tag
How about "tagless"? Glad there isn't one in my shirt or my undies!

U- Unknown fact about me
I am a published poet.

V- Vegetable you hate?
C-E-L-E-R-Y! Yuck, yuckity, yuck!!!

W- Worst habit?
Depends on who you ask.

X- X-rays you’ve had?
Collarbone and middle finger, both "to the left..."

Y- Your favorite foods?
El Mexicano (as long as it's legal, of course)

Z- Zodiac?
Aries, ready for a fight!!!


Weekend Doins

So, it's been sometime since I did some serious bitchin and moanin....Well, it's been a while since I actually did some serious posting, come to think of it. I thought I would give it a whirl today.

I am totally exhausted, do please forgive me if some of this is incoherent. Thanks.

Let's see. Where to start? Oh. I'll just work backward from Saturday.

Lunch with D of course, the BIL and FIL also joined. We went to a new mexican place out near the new walmart. It is really tasty food. Not overly seasoned and not greasy. So it doesnt make us sick like so many places do.

Friday I went for a ride-along with my friend K. He is one of Chattanooga Cities Finest. He is also one of my best friends. So he gets to work and we hang out at the same time. So does this mean basically he gets paid to hang out with me? Well, yes as a matter of fact it does.

We took a DUI to jail on under age consumption and a firearm charge. It was great. The kid basically lied every time he opened his mouth.

Now, I know this might sound strange, but most cops (and people for that matter) prefer the truth. Straight out. If you get stopped, just tell em when you hand them your info. Those who I know will usually take it easier on you if you don't lie.

I have been doing poorly in the department of working out. I do intend to get back into it. Sometimes it is hard to find the drive and motivation once you lose it.

I got new tires for the Cougar. Wow! It really isn't supposed to shake and make that kind of noise when you drive it? Hmm.

I bought some new curtains for the kitchen They, however, did not fit the kitchen windows. So, I put them in the dining room instead. I like them. They let in much more light than the previous window dressings.

Well, I think that's it for now. Have a great work week people!


Envelope Please....(drum roll)......

My tests came back fine!!!!! Yayyyyyy! Things are looking up! We will see if they stay that way. Thanks for all the kind words from everyone! More later, gotta run!




It is strange how the view of the world changes when you think you are gravely ill.

I find myself daydreaming about long vacations on the beach and driving really fast sports cars.

Other things in my life fall under a closer scrutinising eye. Am I happy? Will I be able to be happy for the rest of my life in my current situation? How long will I live? One year or 60 more?

Happiness is almost like a mythical unicorn when you are in the day to day grind.

I have found it easier to ponder life changing events.

What would I have done differently? Would I have been nicer to people if I would had known that my life may possibly be cut short?

I am looking at things in a whole new light.

Sometimes it takes a startling realization to force people to return to who they really are. Not a job title or a paycheck or social status.

I have not found out anything definite, but when I do, I will share it.

Nothing is in stone. Life is what you make of it. So, have a little fun, no matter how much time you have left on this earth.


Life, It Ain't What I Ordered

Have you ever felt like someone is sucking the life out of you? That is how I woke up feeling this morning. I don't know how, but things are gonna change. I can't live like this anymore. Suffication is a terrible way to die.


Year of the Pig

According to customary superstition, the Pig type is usually an honest, straightforward and patient person. They are a modest, shy character who prefers to work quietly behind the scenes. When others despair, they are often there to offer support. This type of person is reserved with those they do not know too well, but as time passes and they gain confidence, those around them may discover a lively and warm-hearted person behind that mask of aloofness. Despite those born in the year of pig having a wide circle of friends and acquaintances, they have few close friends who understand them and share their inner thoughts and feelings. It is easy to put trust in pig type; they won't let you down and will never even attempt to do so. Such people simply want to do everything right according to social norms.

Also according to customary superstition, that these people are not vengeful creatures. If someone tries to take advantage of them, the pig type tend to withdraw to reflect on the problem and protect themselves. All they need in such situations is a little time to find a constructive way to respond. The people of the pig type are conservative creatures of habit. They dislike being made to travel too far from familiar surroundings, unless it is a trip to the countryside. They love nature and are never happier than when they are out somewhere, far from the city.

There is a tolerant and peaceful side to the character of Pig types. Such people are never afraid to allow others their freedom of expression; they do not want to cause arguments and if there is any way to avoid arguing, they will probably take this option. They are not weak, however, and if the situation forces them to fight these people will rise to the occasion, whether it is to defend themselves or those close to them. People of the Boar type are the most admired by others.


Decoding What People Say

Dictionary for Decoding Women's Personal Ads

Ø 40-ish..................................49.

Ø Adventurous..........................Slept with everyone.

Ø Athletic................................No breasts.

Ø Average looking.....................Moooo.

Ø Beautiful..............................Pathological liar.

Ø Emotionally Secure..................On medication.

Ø Feminist...............................Fat.

Ø Free Spirit.............................Junkie.

Ø Friendship first.................... ...Former Slut.

Ø New-Age..............................Body hair in the wrong places.

Ø Old-fashioned........................No B.J.'s

Ø Open-minded.........................Desperate.

Ø Outgoing..............................Loud and embarrassing.

Ø Professional...........................Bitch .

Ø Voluptuous...........................Very fat.

Ø Large frame...........................Hugely fat .

Ø Wants soul mate.....................Stalker.

Dictionary for Decoding Women's English:

Ø Yes.....................................No

Ø No......................................Yes

Ø Maybe.................................No

Ø We need...............................I want

Ø I am sorry.............................You'll be sorry

Ø We need to talk......................You're in trouble

Ø Sure, go ahead........................You better not

Ø Do what you wan t...................You will pay for this later

Ø I am not upset........................Of course, I am upset, you moron!

Ø You're attentive tonight............Is sex all you ever think about?

Dictionary for Decoding Men's English:

Ø I am hungry...........................I am hungry

Ø I am sleepy............................I am sleepy

Ø I am tired..............................I am tired

Ø Nice dress..............................Nice cleavage!

Ø I love you..............................Let's have sex now

Ø I am bored.............................Do you want to have sex?

Ø May I have this dance?..................I'd like to have sex with you..

Ø Ca n I call you sometime?..............I'd like to have sex with you.

Ø Do you want to go to a movie?......I'd like to have sex with you.

Ø Can I take you out to dinner?........I'd like to have sex with you.

Ø I don't think th ose shoes go with that outfit..............I'm gay.


Gah Gah For Goo Goo

We went to see the Goo Goo Dolls last night. They put on a great show. Their sound was fantastic. It was like their Cd's, but so much better. so many times you go see someone live and are let down. It was fantastic!

The thing that caught my attention was that there wasn't really that many lighters burning in the air, they have been replaced with the warm glow of cell phone screens!


Snow Patrol

It NEVER snows in Chattanooga...or the outskirts for that matter. But guess what we woke up to this morning...SNOW!

I was able to snap some shots of Yanna & Mauser playing in the wonderful white stuff!



Apparently "Never" took today off!!!! Yayyyyy!


Pushing my buttons

I wish I had a button like this on my keyboard.
I think I have stumbled upon the "easy button's" competition!
I know which one I'm gonna push!


Shout Out...(you know who you are).

"That I Would Be Good"

that I would be good even if I did nothing
that I would be good even if I got the thumbs down
that I would be good if I got and stayed sick
that I would be good even if I gained ten pounds

that I would be fine even if I went bankrupt
that I would be good if I lost my hair and my youth
that I would be great if I was no longer queen
that I would be grand if I was not all knowing

that I would be loved even when I numb myself
that I would be good even when I am overwhelmed
that I would be loved even when I was fuming
that I would be good even if I was clingy

that I would be good even if I lost sanity
that I would be good
whether with or without you

I promised that I would be good...



Well, I think it is sufficient to say that today, I hate myself.

I can't tell you why...I'd have to kill you.

Have you ever wanted something so badly, that you contemplate changing your whole life just to get it?


Byer Jewels Opens

Well, I am busy adding things to my new online store, trying to get a good amount of stock up.
Please forgive me for not blogging as often as before.

I hope everyone will stop by Byer Jewels.


Byer Jewelry Blog turns into A Real Online Store!

I am about to enter the world of online stores... not a blog as many of you are use to seeing the goods for sale on, but a real live shopping cart and all!!!! I am setting up my own jewelry/accessory site. I am a bit nervous. I was hoping that my kind readers would cruise by Byer Jewels and tell me what you guys think. Keep in mind the site is not "live" yet. It won't be for another week. I have lots of tweeking and spit shining to do still.

So let me know.
Thanks everyone.



Sometimes, kids may actually have a problem, but in observation the world around me, I have realized that if these methods shown were used, they would probably do the trick!
Instead lots of parents hand their kids a 6 pack of soda, some ice cream, and tell them to go watch tv...Then they wonder why they are all hypped up.....duhhhh!


Fuckers and The Y

Today was as stressful day in the RMW world.

I had a hard day @ work and some of the ppl. I work with are, well,....dumb asses!

I know that we are all,(well...mostly all),humans, and alas, humans make mistakes.

It just seems that there are a few who are just completely incompetent! I hate that! I have to go around after them like a baby sitter and try to help them with there problems, when they should know by now what the fucking 411 is!

As if that weren't enough, I went to the Y tonight to work off some of my stress. The workout was fantastic! Thank's Pat!

However, when I went to leave it went down like this:
I had a parking place close to the door, my friend however had one in the next zip code. So, we have made it a practice that if one of us is way the hell out there, the other waits until the far away one waves once they get to their car. So we did this. All along I am standing at my car with my door open.

I get the wave from said friend, so I jump into my ride to be whisked away to Sand Mountain.

As I am backing up I realize that there is a dumb ass parked parallel in a no parking zone behind my car! WTF? MOVE! I see this person looking at me in their damn minivan.

Did they move?!?

NO! I HAD TO GET OUT AND YELL, "Can you move it!?"!

They reluctantly moved. Fuckers!

What gets me is that they saw me waiting, standing outside my car, what the hell were they doing?



Slur & Slurred Speech

Good afternoon my lil' bloggin' bunnies! How was your night? Mine was great. I actually did not stumble to the passenger side of the car last night! Yay for me! Actually, I had lots of fun people watchin'.

The only downfall to the whole damn night was this stupid ass redneck guy who was trying to pick up a black chick and her drunk ass friend.

Now, you say...why does it matter if she's a black chick? Well, because after he acted like Forrest Gump & Austin Powers...(very poorly I might add)... he to call her a nigger.
ps-I thought all human kind was to take this word and bury in their backyard?

That's right! To her face! She didn't even flinch. I was like, WTF did he just say?!?

She must have had some good liquor in her 'cause it pissed me off and it had nothin whatsoever to do with ME!

Drunk dumb asses!

For other fun racial slurs, please visit:


Help Me Help Myself

Damn it! If I buy something that doesn't have a handle, and it's heavy,say like detergent, put it in a damn bag!

If I have to ask you to put in a bag, don't be surprised if I sound bitchy about it!


Good Times

Here's to good friends, good times & a hell of a bartender!
Happy 2007!

Hair Of The Dog & The Day After

Hangovers seem to be the body’s way of reminding us about the hazards of overindulgence. Physiologically, it’s a group effort: Diarrhea, fatigue, headache, nausea, and shaking are the classic symptoms. Sometimes, systolic (the upper number) blood pressure goes up, the heart beats faster than normal, and sweat glands overproduce — evidence that the “fight or flight” response is revved up. Some people become sensitive to light or sound. Others suffer a spinning sensation (vertigo).

The causes are as varied as the symptoms. Alcohol is metabolized into acetaldehyde, a substance that’s toxic at high levels, although concentrations rarely get that high, so that’s not the complete explanation.

Drinking interferes with brain activity during sleep, so a hangover may be a form of sleep deprivation. Alcohol scrambles the hormones that regulate our biological clocks, which may be why a hangover can feel like jet lag, and vice versa. Alcohol can also trigger migraines, so some people may think they’re hung over when it’s really an alcohol-induced migraine they’re suffering.

Hangovers begin after blood alcohol levels start to fall. In fact, according to some experts, the worst symptoms occur when levels reach zero.

The key ingredient seems to be “drinking to intoxication”; how much you drank to get there is less important. In fact, several studies suggest that light and moderate drinkers are more vulnerable to getting a hangover than heavy drinkers. Yet there’s also seemingly contradictory research showing that people with a family history of alcoholism have worse hangovers. Researchers say some people may end up with drinking problems because they drink in an effort to relieve hangover symptoms.

Dr. Robert Swift, a researcher at the Providence Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Rhode Island, coauthored one of the few review papers on hangovers in 1998. It’s still one of the most frequently cited sources on the topic. The rundown on hangover remedies that follows is based on that review, an interview with Dr. Swift, and several other sources.

Hair of the dog.
Drinking to ease the symptoms of a hangover is sometimes called taking the hair of the dog, or hair of the dog that bit you. The notion is that hangovers are a form of alcohol withdrawal, so a drink or two will ease the withdrawal.

There may be something to it, says Dr. Swift. Both alcohol and short-acting sedatives, such as benzodiazepines like diazepam (Valium), interact with GABA receptors on brain cells, he explained, and it’s well documented that some people have withdrawal symptoms from short-acting sedatives as they wear off. Perhaps the brain reacts similarly as blood alcohol levels begin to drop.

Even so, Dr. Swift advises against using alcohol as a hangover remedy. “The hair of the dog just perpetuates a cycle,” he says. “It doesn’t allow you to recover.”

Drink fluids.
Alcohol promotes urination because it inhibits the release of vasopressin, a hormone that decreases the volume of urine made by the kidneys. If your hangover includes diarrhea, sweating, or vomiting, you may be even more dehydrated. Although nausea can make it difficult to get anything down, even just a few sips of water might help your hangover.

Get some carbohydrates into your system.
Drinking may lower blood sugar levels, so theoretically some of the fatigue and headaches of a hangover may be from a brain working without enough of its main fuel. Moreover, many people forget to eat when they drink, further lowering their blood sugar. Toast and juice is a way to gently nudge levels back to normal.

Thanks to msn.


Too Much

Last night we went out with some of our friends. We met these people because we share a common interest. Corvettes. Now I must admit that I was not keen on the purchase of The Vette when my husband decided to do so. Now I think I have completely changed my tune.

"Why?", you ask. Well, I can give you some good reasons. Keith, RT & Sarah. They are a great bunch of people. If you are ever curious, check us out at Scenic Vettes.

I also walked away with a trophy for just making it through the night without passing out or throwing up! Yay for me!

Here's D and I having a good time. D, thanks for putting up with me last night!

Sometimes it is good to have too much. Too many cars, too many friends, and too much to drink!


What the fuck!?

That's right people, I said fuck. Now we all know this is one of my most favorite words. Can someone please tell me why people freak out over curse words? And why are they called "curse" words?

Having said that, I know that I am around the age of becoming a parent. I can't very well have little children running around screaming fuck all the time. But why? It just seems wrong to me because I have always been told that it was a "bad" word.

What if i told the children it was a "grown-up" word that they couldn't say until they ripened in age? I am unsure...

As far as the kid thing goes, my hubby and i have 9 parents and 1 bitch to contend with as grandparents.

What? ...You say, "how can one possibly have so many grandparents?". Well, here's the laundry list of people who will be grandparents, should my husband and i decide to reproduce.

His side:
mom & step-father
biological father &step-mother
adoptive father & the bitch

My side:
mom & step-dad
dad & step-mom

Until later my pets...


Envy & Despair

Sorry about the no posting lately people. Lots of things going on.

I found out that my best friend, Yes, best friend since sixth grade thankyouverymuch...she's gonna have a baby! Yay! The best of luck wished for her and her hubby!

Also, my grandfather is in the hospital, due for open heart surgery tomorrow. six bypasses.

Lots goin' on, I just didn't want you all to think that I abandoned the blog world. I love you guys and could never leave you!




There's so much more about you that you never let them see
You turn away
But not to me
And I know how they tried to take you
Held you up and meant to break you down
But you can't be

For so long I tried to reach you
I know I'm almost there
I'm close enough for you to see

You've been hiding in the shadows
Have you forgotten how we used to dream
Let me remind you
The light doesn't blind you at all
It just helps you see
Can you see

Yeah you have become
Yeah you have become beautiful

And I can't be the stranger
That's been sleeping in your bed just
Turn around and come to me
I feel all the pain inside
And everything you been denied you feel
It's all you feel

You've been hiding in the shadows
Have you forgotten how we used to dream
Let me remind you
The light doesn't blind you at all
It helps you see
Can you see

Yeah you have become
Yeah you have become beautiful
Yeah you have become
Yeah you have become beautiful

Brush back your hair and look around you
Feeling like the truth has found you here
You're here with me
Let love become the mirror
With no fear where you're from
You have become beautiful



To all my blogger peeps...Happy Hanukwanzamas!


No take backs...

It has been a strange week since we last met my fellow blog friends. I have had several things happen to me.

On Monday evening of last week I received a message from my mother to call her.

Now, as many of you know, I have harsh feelings about the past with my mother. (which apparently she is oblivious to). So I talked to her and found out that my 31 year old uncle killed himself the previous Saturday.

Now, no one in our family has talked to him in about 8 years. There was a falling out when my grandfather died. Of course it was about the estate. This caused great friction between my mother, aunt and their brother.

We are unsure as to why he did this. Details are few. I am so mad at him. He took the cowards way out. he left his wife and his mother to mourn him. Also, I am mad at myself, for ever thinking of doing this to my own husband. Keep in mind people, this has not crossed my mind in several years. But, I must admit, I have been beaten down by the darkness that is depression. Speculation is that my uncle was battling this same demon.

I do not go to funerals and I refuse to "view" dead people. I think that it is rude and disrespectful to look at the deceased when they can't look back at you.

Here I sat in some random funeral home chapel, against my will, forced to drive three long hours with my mother because I felt obligated to. I must add that I only did it because I did not want her to drive up by herself.

I had an epiphany that day. It could very easily be me mourning the death of my mother or my brother whilst filled with regret. My mother and my aunt both cried and I held my cousin's hand to comfort her. My cousin and I agreed to not float away from each other like he did.

You can't take back regret...


"Blogs are public..." Well, duh!

Begin forwarded message:

From: Randall
Date: December 21, 2005 11:58:40 AM EST
To: Dave , JMG
Subject: [johnmacsgroup] DOSTip: Blog confessions are NOT Private.
Reply-To: johnmacsgroup@yahoogroups.com

Teen Pleads Guilty After Blog Confession
Wed Dec 21, 6:27 AM ET

An 18-year-old passenger who caused a fatal crash by pulling on the
steering wheel pleaded guilty to DUI manslaughter after prosecutors
discovered a confession on his online blog.

Blake Ranking wrote "I did it" on his blurty.com journal three days
after the October 2004 crash that caused a friend's death and left
another seriously injured. He had previously told investigators he
remembered nothing of the crash and little of its aftermath.

Blake was sitting in the back seat as he and then-17-year-old friends
Jason Coker and Nicole Robinette left a party when he pulled the
steering wheel as a prank, causing the car to somersault off the road.

His blood alcohol content after the crash measured 0.185, more than
double the legal limit.

Robinette, who was driving and had no traces of drugs or alcohol in her
system, was seriously injured. Coker lay in a coma at Orlando Regional
Medical Center until he died Jan. 11.

"It was me who caused it. I turned the wheel. I turned the wheel that
sent us off the road, into the concrete drain ..." Ranking wrote in the
blog. "How can I be fine when everyone else is so messed up?"

Ranking later retracted his words, deleting them from the blog and
penning an explanation.

"People say I 'contradict' myself since I 'already admitting pulling the
wheel.' I didn't 'ADMIT' anything. I went on a guilt trip, and I posted
the story that I WAS TOLD . . . Nicole told me I pulled the wheel, I
believed her," he wrote.

Still, the confession forced him to lead guilty Monday to manslaughter
charges. He could have gotten 15 years in prison, but defense lawyer
John Spivey and Assistant State Attorney Julie Greenberg recommended
five years in prison, 10 years of probation and a permanent license

Circuit Judge Mark Hill agreed to impose the sentence Dec. 28.

Greenberg said she had planned to use the blog as evidence, a first for
the office covering Lake, Citrus, Hernando, Marion and Sumter counties,
but almost certainly not the last.

"Anytime a defendant confesses, that is very relevant and important,"
she said.

Ranking posted the lyrics to Eric Clapton's "Tears in Heaven" the day of
Coker's funeral, but prosecutors said his remorse was not always
apparent in his blogs, which included entries railing at Coker's mother
because she asked him to stop calling and coming to the hospital.

"He lost the best friend he ever had," Spivey said in Ranking's defense.

Ken Coker, Jason's father, said his family never wanted prison time for
Ranking, but they wished Ranking would stop writing about them because
they felt the blog was insensitive. He said Ranking would benefit more
from psychiatric counseling.

"There's not enough forgiveness in the world," he said.

Random Meetings

Tonight the hubby, BIL and myself wondered around Chattanooga doing what would seem to some as random.

Now, we usually always have Chinese food.
This is a much debated subject. No one ever knows what they want to eat, so we give up and eat at the, (no, not Jimmy), buffet.

After the "random" dinner, we decide to partake of technology and literature and caffeine, oh my!

Which loosely translates into stopping by the buy that is the best, taking in crafty things, and looking at food that we wouldn't actually buy anyways.

After that there is the splendid world of books and coffee. You should see this books store. I bet they have at least a million different titles! We read these books and thumb through more, but these are not books that we would actually buy anyways. Caffeine can also be found at this particular place.

I choose a mocha and Real goes for the gingerbread. We eat sweets, drink our frappes, and talk. (Really, is there a seasonal bi-polar syndrome? If not ,there should be.)

Magazines,comics and collectible books are read.

The evening is finished by some of us with a night cap to the devil's five and dime.

Really a nice, quality evening.


Crazy ass people!

Everyone that I have talked to in the last month asks, "Have you gotten all your christmas shopping done?". People, I do not celebrate christmas.

Now, I understand that the majority of America celebrates cmas, I do not. When I was younger and at home, I celebrated this holiday. Up until 2 years ago, I even put up a tree. Now, I assure you that my celebration had nothing to do with jesus. To me, it was all about what do I get this one, and what's that one gonna get me.

I now have decided that I do not want to continue the maddening cycle of greed. I also do not believe christ is my personal savior. Those two things together pretty much throw christmas out the window. So, I just view this time of year as a time to spend with family and friends. No gifts needed.

In closing, to all you crazy ass people out there that say to me, "Have you gotten all your shopping done?", & that are driving around the mall parking lots for two hours to find a place to park, & are stressing over if they will like it or if it will fit them, I will say this so you understand me, "Shut the fuck up already!


"What day is it?"....

The last 4 to 5 days have pretty much been a blur for me. There are several reasons for this.

Apparently one should not swallow enormous amounts of highly chlorinated H2O. "Why Ranting?", you ask. Well general audience, it will not only go into your stomach but also into your lungs if you are unlucky.

Now, the way this happens is you are in 12' water, YMCA safety device is wrapped around you (this is policy for any class taught in deep water) as tight as possible, without making you loose your lunch into said water. The cursed noodle is being used. Crunches in water are being done by yourself and the rest of the class. The damn noodle is trying to wiggle it's way out from behind you. This noodle does not care if you are tired or not. You still must fight to stay on top. Do not let the noodle win. Superiority is a must!

Well, my noodle won.

As I plunged my butt towards the bottom of the pool, working my abs ever so hard, the noodle jumped out from under me, flying into the air. Now, as this happens I push back to take a deep breath of air, but all I get is water.

Thank you YMCA for making me wear that damn safety belt. It kept me from making a complete fool of myself and actually drowning.

The outcome of this is days of being sick with a respiratory infection. I had to pay $50.00 for 5 pills. FIVE PILLS PEOPLE! Now for those who are not math geniuses, that's TEN dollars per pill!!!!

Today I awaken out of my Nite Time Elixir daze.

By the way, psuedoephedra is a great thing in cold medicine. It's too bad the meth heads can't keep there hands off of it. I had some old stuff left and then had to buy some new. The old stuff was soooo much better.

I find myself sitting here by myself. The hubby is in Mississippi visiting family.

I have a party to got to tonight, but I fear I will not be in full gear to entertain people as I normally do.