

Can you believe the whole french fry scandal!?! Well, it's not so much of a "scandal" per say, more like...ummmm.......oh, the gov. trying to take away my right to eat crap if I wanna eat crap. Now, I understand the whole smoking ban thing. I even understood it when I smoked. Second hand smoke and blabidi-bla. However, If I choose to eat a "LargeAss" size order of fries, it will not cause the salad and yogurt eating person sitting next to me to develop some kind of disease. Well, at least we don't think it will for now.

If I want to go to the place where burgers are small,square,different and get an order of fries (even though I know that I shouldn't,but still do it anyways, cause there so damn good), It's my business! Not "YOURS"!

Thank G-d where I live is about 80 years behind the rest of the country....
No, for real. My county didn't join the rest of GA in the Union until 1945! That's 80 years after the Civil War!


spin.lizzy said...

let them have their fries and eat them too.

you don't live in dade co., do you?

Ranting said...

yes, i do live in the former great state of dade.