YAAAAH for Me! I joined the YMCA! Aquatics are for me!
Some sort of English
I feel that I must stress this again!
If you come to my country whether legally or illegally(if the latter, you should be caught, caged, & returned to your homeland,no matter where your are from!) , LEARN ENGLISH! At least have some ability to communicate with the people whose country your are in.
Posted by
10/29/2006 01:01:00 AM
Labels: pisses me off, send em' all home
Time is a thief, and there is a time theif.
Lately I feel like someone is sneaking into my life and stealing time away from me. I am usually not this frazzled felling, but as of late, I just seem to barely be getting the necessities of life taken care of. I have not even sat down to browse the vast and wonderful Internet all week!
I have started to walk every day, but that only takes about an hour. Maybe it is because time is changing and it is getting darker earlier.
Never the less, I have more magic bars to make for our annual pumpkin party. Everyone looks forward to it. I will probably make enough to keeps some at home. They are soooo good, how could I not?!?
Posted by
10/28/2006 08:59:00 AM
Labels: everything in between, time, weekend
3rd Time's A Charm
Allrighty, I saw a FANTASTIC movie last night!
Posted by
10/22/2006 01:16:00 AM
This Just In...
It has just come to my attention that some of my peeps are unaware of the fantasticnous of Eagle Brand Magic Cookie Bars!!!!! Please note, they are called "Magic", because they disappear as such!!! Hehehe!Please try this recipe:
Servings: Makes 2 to 3 dozen bars
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 25 minutes
Total Time: 35 minutes
1 1/2 cups graham cracker crumbs
1/2 cup (1 stick) butter or margarine, melted
1 (14-ounce) can EAGLE BRAND® Sweetened Condensed Milk (NOT evaporated milk)
2 cups (12 ounces) semi-sweet chocolate chips
1 1/3 cups flaked coconut
1 cup chopped nuts
Preheat oven to 350°F (325°F for glass dish). In small bowl, combine graham cracker crumbs and butter; mix well. Press crumb mixture firmly on bottom of 13X9-inch baking pan.
Pour EAGLE BRAND® evenly over crumb mixture. Layer evenly with remaining ingredients; press down firmly with fork.
Bake 25 minutes or until lightly browned. Cool. Cut into bars or diamonds. Store leftovers covered at room temperature.
Notes: Recipe Variations: Substitute chocolate chips or nuts with: candy coated pieces, dried cranberries, raisins, mini marshmallows or butterscotch chips.
Posted by
10/18/2006 11:25:00 AM
My Internets
Let me start with a disclaimer: I am not as technologically advanced as some of the people I surround myself with.
So, because of this, I feel kindda' unsmart when I deal with this type of stuff. I work in a lab with instruments and computers all day long, but I have very well written and even sometimes entertaining (alert,alert, sarcasm at an all time high) manuals to follow if I get into trouble.
Now, my poor father is also not very techno inclined. Unfortunately, he did not have the pleasure of playing Oregon Trail while in school. So he is actually much further behind the game than myself.
I obviously have those Internets at my house. He does not. I know how to goggle. He does not. When I read something the I have goggled, I know how to scan for important phrases. He does not. If I fail to find a particular thing that some half-cocked person has told him is on those Internets...guess what, I must not be looking in the right places! I am looking too fast, slow down, I can't read it all!!!
I love my father so much!
But damn it, get your own Internets!
Posted by
10/18/2006 11:13:00 AM
Gone sooo long...
Hello my precious blogger peeps! I know that I have been silent this week, but for good reason. I have cleaned out the cupboards and pantry to allow room for all my necessary winter foods. I like to keep a few on hand in case of snow.
Listen people, I heard you snicker in the back! I know that we don't really get that much snow here in North Georgia,however, when we do get it, it melts some during the day and refreezes at night. Plus we do get some ice storms. The bitch of the matter is that we live on a mountain, and well, the drive is all downhill as you would expect. If it ices or snow, I do not, repeat, DO NOT budge outta' my little driveway. Too dangerous.
I also have been doing some jewelry stuff getting ready for the holidays. I can't decide if I want to do gift certificates or not. I am unsure. But, I will decide that in the next week or so.
We went out of town last weekend. It was just fantastic. Most all of us had a great time. There was one in the party who didn't see to be enjoying themselves at all. SO all I got to say about that is keep you ass at home. Otherwise, it was a great ride. I hope we all get together again soon, (except the above mentioned person).
I have also been cooking a lot lately. I think we are saving money with me doing that, so we can spend our hard earned cash on fun stuff and not just eating out. Tonight we are having roast with potatoes and carrots. Yum! Followed by eagle brand magic bars. Yum! Yum!
Well, it is late, so I am gonna eat and chill out for a little. Hopefully I will have my other blogs updated tonight. Until then, enjoy your evening my friends!
Posted by
10/14/2006 11:37:00 AM
Quick Note
I know that I haven't posted much this last week, but we were out of town last weekend and well, I'm just tired. If you get a chance have a peek at Corvette Curve for some photos. We went to North Carolina for our Fall Cruz. It was great! Lots of color in the leaves at 5000-6000 feet.
More Later....
Posted by
10/10/2006 12:05:00 PM
Rushy, Rush, Rush!
I was rushed on the freeway going to work. 80 in a 55, ppl were still passing me!
I rushed around at work all day making sure all lab tests got rushed STAT & ASAP!
I was rushed on the freeway coming home until there was a person who was not rushed
I went to the grocery and rushed into my parking spot almost being hit by a car whose driver was rushing!
Same driver's daughter rushed me with a buggy as I walked in the door!
I was rushed at the checkout by some redneck that decided it was a good idea to stand on top of me while I slid my debit card and entered my pin. So close, in fact, that I looked at him and said "Excuuuuse Me!" So I could protectively enter said pin.
Now, I am home and not being rushed!
Posted by
10/04/2006 10:27:00 AM
Back Breakin' & Ball Bustin'
Today was a kinnda quick day. I worked and worked and worked and then, it was over! WooooHOO! Only four more to go people.
We did lots of yard work this weekend and it about wore me out. I discovered something though. I like to mow with the riding lawnmower. I have never in 28 years mowed on a riding lawnmower. I did not want to have to deal with gears and crap and just left it up to my husband. I would always weed-eat and push mow a small patch that the riding mower couldn't get at.
This weekend I was so tired after weed-eating almost the entire yard, that I asked the hubby to trade. IT'S GREAT!
I don't know why the hell the husband acts like it's the hardest thing in the world, It's not. Silly me!
Guess who will be using the weed-eater next time?!?!
Posted by
10/02/2006 10:25:00 AM