I hate stupid people. I find myself frustrated because I am STILL having to remind a certain person of the correct thing to do at their job. Pay some attention. Maybe if you did, I wouldn't have to watch after you so much. In turn I wouldn't be so mean and hateful to you and everyone around me!!!
I can't believe I am going to be a mother. I mean, obviously my body has decided otherwise. Perhaps the giveaway now is my protruding belly. Yesterday I reached 16 weeks. This upcoming Friday we hope to identify the " sex" of said protrusion.
We have done nothing with the junk room that is to be the nursery. Of course at this point I feel I should rent a dumpster, nail all things I deem important to my household down, and turn our dwelling on it's ear, allowing all the "crap" to fall into the waiting dumpster.
I know this is not a great theory, but there is simply too much stuff to got through!!! Stuff we haven't laid eyes on in over 6 years. Clothes that haven't been worn since G-D was a boy...!
I'm just frustrated and am praying for simplicity. Perhaps I will come home and find that the junk fairies have visited and taken all the things I don't need, or even really want, away from my home.
I fear that I will have a child that sleeps in the drawer of our bedroom furniture. I mean it...nothing has been done! The drawer may be a good possibility at this point!
Perhaps I will go lie down and read...all this thinking about working on the house has me exhausted and stressed to the max...lol!
Posted by Ranting at 10/14/2007 10:24:00 AM 1 comments
Do you know someone who has assimilated for someone else? I think everyone does... or has been... I know I have.
as·sim·i·late (ə-sĭm'ə-lāt')
v., -lat·ed, -lat·ing, -lates. v.tr.
- Physiology.
- To consume and incorporate (nutrients) into the body after digestion.
- To transform (food) into living tissue by the process of anabolism; metabolize constructively.
- To incorporate and absorb into the mind: assimilate knowledge.
- To make similar; cause to resemble.
- Linguistics. To alter (a sound) by assimilation.
- To absorb (immigrants or a culturally distinct group) into the prevailing culture.
Posted by Ranting at 10/12/2007 11:59:00 PM 0 comments
Dirty Dirt
Does anyone else ever wonder why some companies feel that it is necessary to post the sign, "Employees MUST wash hands!", on the bathroom wall?
Is it some way to try and make me feel better about my visit to said business. The fact is stated plainly on the wall that their employees supposedly have clean hands?
Call me a little pessimistic if you must...
However, that flouresent sign on the mirror in the ladies room makes me a little afraid. Afraid that this business, that I have elected to visit of my own free will, hires people that they have to remind to wash their hands!!!
I think I'm gonna go shower now. I feel a little dirty all of a sudden.
Posted by Ranting at 10/07/2007 02:32:00 AM 1 comments