
Dirty Dirt

Does anyone else ever wonder why some companies feel that it is necessary to post the sign, "Employees MUST wash hands!", on the bathroom wall?

Is it some way to try and make me feel better about my visit to said business. The fact is stated plainly on the wall that their employees supposedly have clean hands?

Call me a little pessimistic if you must...

However, that flouresent sign on the mirror in the ladies room makes me a little afraid. Afraid that this business, that I have elected to visit of my own free will, hires people that they have to remind to wash their hands!!!


I think I'm gonna go shower now. I feel a little dirty all of a sudden.

1 comment:

spin.lizzy said...

my boyfriend and i were eating out last night and taking our time trying to figure out what to order. the waiter said "i'll give you as much time as you need. i'll wait to return until you've closed your menus so i won't bother you."

i kinda wondered why the explanation was necessary ... just the same as i wonder why the reminder in the restrooms.