
Tagged Holiday Style!

Thanks to The Lesley, the WHOLE world has been tagged. I think that includes me. Happy Thanksgiving people!

1. Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate?
I am torn, I like them both.

2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree?

3. Colored lights on tree/house or white?
I like the white lights on outside. No tree for us.

4.Do you hang mistletoe?
No. My cats would eat it!

5. When do you put your decorations up?
when I get off my lazy ass.

6. What is your favorite holiday dish (excluding dessert)?
Chicken/turkey & dressing. Homemade of course. I hate the boxed stuff!

7. Favorite Holiday memory as a child:
Receiving a 3 story Barbee house as a gift. Yep, it had an elevator!

8. When and how did you learn the truth about Santa?
When I was awakened my noise coming from the living room. My parents were putting together my bike.

9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve?
Yes, with immediate family usually.

10. How do you decorate your Christmas Tree?
We don't put up a tree. We light candles instead.

11. Snow! Love it or Dread it?

12. Can you ice skate?
Never tried.

13. Do you remember your favorite gift?
Hello people, of course it was the Barbee house in #7.

14. What's the most important thing about the Holidays for you?
Seeing my family and donating toys to our fire department.

15. What is your favorite Holiday Dessert?
Pumpkin pie!!!! YUMMY!

16. What is your favorite holiday tradition?
Hanging out with my husbands immediate family.

17. What tops your tree?
Again, no tree.

18. Which do you prefer giving or receiving?
It use to be receiving, but now it's giving.

19. What is your favorite Holiday Song?
Ya' know Adam Sandler sings it...Oh yeah, the Hanukah song!

20. Candy Canes?
Small minty ones. Preferably spearmint green!

Now, even though I am sure these people are already tagged by the above mentioned blanket tagging of The Lesley, I tag: Spinlizzy, Blanc Noir, and that guy with the juicy brain. So,get to bloggin' people! 'Cause tag, you're it!
Happy Holidays!


Steven said...

You can't tag the whole world. The whole world already tagged you and there is no tag-backs. ;)


Ranting said...

Ok what about a double tag? Is that in the rule book???? ;0)