
What the fuck!?

That's right people, I said fuck. Now we all know this is one of my most favorite words. Can someone please tell me why people freak out over curse words? And why are they called "curse" words?

Having said that, I know that I am around the age of becoming a parent. I can't very well have little children running around screaming fuck all the time. But why? It just seems wrong to me because I have always been told that it was a "bad" word.

What if i told the children it was a "grown-up" word that they couldn't say until they ripened in age? I am unsure...

As far as the kid thing goes, my hubby and i have 9 parents and 1 bitch to contend with as grandparents.

What? ...You say, "how can one possibly have so many grandparents?". Well, here's the laundry list of people who will be grandparents, should my husband and i decide to reproduce.

His side:
mom & step-father
biological father &step-mother
adoptive father & the bitch

My side:
mom & step-dad
dad & step-mom

Until later my pets...

1 comment:

none said...

I cuss like a sailor but not in front of the kids. When my 5 and 6 year old daughters started calling each other "fucks" I was pissed off.

I had to punish them several times a day for a year to get them to stop saying fuck, shit bastard and ass.