Last night we went out with some of our friends. We met these people because we share a common interest. Corvettes. Now I must admit that I was not keen on the purchase of The Vette when my husband decided to do so. Now I think I have completely changed my tune.
"Why?", you ask. Well, I can give you some good reasons. Keith, RT & Sarah. They are a great bunch of people. If you are ever curious, check us out at Scenic Vettes.
Too Much
Posted by
12/31/2006 05:01:00 AM
Labels: family, fun, Inebriated, silly me, weekend
What the fuck!?
That's right people, I said fuck. Now we all know this is one of my most favorite words. Can someone please tell me why people freak out over curse words? And why are they called "curse" words?
Having said that, I know that I am around the age of becoming a parent. I can't very well have little children running around screaming fuck all the time. But why? It just seems wrong to me because I have always been told that it was a "bad" word.
What if i told the children it was a "grown-up" word that they couldn't say until they ripened in age? I am unsure...
As far as the kid thing goes, my hubby and i have 9 parents and 1 bitch to contend with as grandparents.
What? ...You say, "how can one possibly have so many grandparents?". Well, here's the laundry list of people who will be grandparents, should my husband and i decide to reproduce.
His side:
mom & step-father
biological father &step-mother
adoptive father & the bitch
My side:
mom & step-dad
dad & step-mom
Until later my pets...
Posted by
12/29/2006 06:50:00 PM
Labels: changes, family, life, pisses me off, public awareness issue, ranting, wisdom
Envy & Despair
Sorry about the no posting lately people. Lots of things going on.
I found out that my best friend, Yes, best friend since sixth grade thankyouverymuch...she's gonna have a baby! Yay! The best of luck wished for her and her hubby!
Also, my grandfather is in the hospital, due for open heart surgery tomorrow. six bypasses.
Lots goin' on, I just didn't want you all to think that I abandoned the blog world. I love you guys and could never leave you!
Posted by
12/28/2006 02:11:00 PM
There's so much more about you that you never let them see
You turn away
But not to me
And I know how they tried to take you
Held you up and meant to break you down
But you can't be
For so long I tried to reach you
I know I'm almost there
I'm close enough for you to see
You've been hiding in the shadows
Have you forgotten how we used to dream
Let me remind you
The light doesn't blind you at all
It just helps you see
Can you see
Yeah you have become
Yeah you have become beautiful
And I can't be the stranger
That's been sleeping in your bed just
Turn around and come to me
I feel all the pain inside
And everything you been denied you feel
It's all you feel
You've been hiding in the shadows
Have you forgotten how we used to dream
Let me remind you
The light doesn't blind you at all
It helps you see
Can you see
Yeah you have become
Yeah you have become beautiful
Yeah you have become
Yeah you have become beautiful
Brush back your hair and look around you
Feeling like the truth has found you here
You're here with me
Let love become the mirror
With no fear where you're from
You have become beautiful
Posted by
12/23/2006 05:50:00 PM
Labels: everything in between, life, lyrics
To all my blogger peeps...Happy Hanukwanzamas!
Posted by
12/22/2006 06:23:00 PM
No take backs...
It has been a strange week since we last met my fellow blog friends. I have had several things happen to me.
On Monday evening of last week I received a message from my mother to call her.
Now, as many of you know, I have harsh feelings about the past with my mother. (which apparently she is oblivious to). So I talked to her and found out that my 31 year old uncle killed himself the previous Saturday.
Now, no one in our family has talked to him in about 8 years. There was a falling out when my grandfather died. Of course it was about the estate. This caused great friction between my mother, aunt and their brother.
We are unsure as to why he did this. Details are few. I am so mad at him. He took the cowards way out. he left his wife and his mother to mourn him. Also, I am mad at myself, for ever thinking of doing this to my own husband. Keep in mind people, this has not crossed my mind in several years. But, I must admit, I have been beaten down by the darkness that is depression. Speculation is that my uncle was battling this same demon.
I do not go to funerals and I refuse to "view" dead people. I think that it is rude and disrespectful to look at the deceased when they can't look back at you.
Here I sat in some random funeral home chapel, against my will, forced to drive three long hours with my mother because I felt obligated to. I must add that I only did it because I did not want her to drive up by herself.
I had an epiphany that day. It could very easily be me mourning the death of my mother or my brother whilst filled with regret. My mother and my aunt both cried and I held my cousin's hand to comfort her. My cousin and I agreed to not float away from each other like he did.
You can't take back regret...
Posted by
12/19/2006 01:12:00 PM
"Blogs are public..." Well, duh!
Begin forwarded message:
From: Randall
Date: December 21, 2005 11:58:40 AM EST
To: Dave
Subject: [johnmacsgroup] DOSTip: Blog confessions are NOT Private.
Teen Pleads Guilty After Blog Confession
Wed Dec 21, 6:27 AM ET
An 18-year-old passenger who caused a fatal crash by pulling on the
steering wheel pleaded guilty to DUI manslaughter after prosecutors
discovered a confession on his online blog.
Blake Ranking wrote "I did it" on his journal three days
after the October 2004 crash that caused a friend's death and left
another seriously injured. He had previously told investigators he
remembered nothing of the crash and little of its aftermath.
Blake was sitting in the back seat as he and then-17-year-old friends
Jason Coker and Nicole Robinette left a party when he pulled the
steering wheel as a prank, causing the car to somersault off the road.
His blood alcohol content after the crash measured 0.185, more than
double the legal limit.
Robinette, who was driving and had no traces of drugs or alcohol in her
system, was seriously injured. Coker lay in a coma at Orlando Regional
Medical Center until he died Jan. 11.
"It was me who caused it. I turned the wheel. I turned the wheel that
sent us off the road, into the concrete drain ..." Ranking wrote in the
blog. "How can I be fine when everyone else is so messed up?"
Ranking later retracted his words, deleting them from the blog and
penning an explanation.
"People say I 'contradict' myself since I 'already admitting pulling the
wheel.' I didn't 'ADMIT' anything. I went on a guilt trip, and I posted
the story that I WAS TOLD . . . Nicole told me I pulled the wheel, I
believed her," he wrote.
Still, the confession forced him to lead guilty Monday to manslaughter
charges. He could have gotten 15 years in prison, but defense lawyer
John Spivey and Assistant State Attorney Julie Greenberg recommended
five years in prison, 10 years of probation and a permanent license
Circuit Judge Mark Hill agreed to impose the sentence Dec. 28.
Greenberg said she had planned to use the blog as evidence, a first for
the office covering Lake, Citrus, Hernando, Marion and Sumter counties,
but almost certainly not the last.
"Anytime a defendant confesses, that is very relevant and important,"
she said.
Ranking posted the lyrics to Eric Clapton's "Tears in Heaven" the day of
Coker's funeral, but prosecutors said his remorse was not always
apparent in his blogs, which included entries railing at Coker's mother
because she asked him to stop calling and coming to the hospital.
"He lost the best friend he ever had," Spivey said in Ranking's defense.
Ken Coker, Jason's father, said his family never wanted prison time for
Ranking, but they wished Ranking would stop writing about them because
they felt the blog was insensitive. He said Ranking would benefit more
from psychiatric counseling.
"There's not enough forgiveness in the world," he said.
Posted by
12/09/2006 06:13:00 PM
Labels: public awareness issue, ranting
Random Meetings
Tonight the hubby, BIL and myself wondered around Chattanooga doing what would seem to some as random.
Now, we usually always have Chinese food.
This is a much debated subject. No one ever knows what they want to eat, so we give up and eat at the, (no, not Jimmy), buffet.
After the "random" dinner, we decide to partake of technology and literature and caffeine, oh my!
Which loosely translates into stopping by the buy that is the best, taking in crafty things, and looking at food that we wouldn't actually buy anyways.
After that there is the splendid world of books and coffee. You should see this books store. I bet they have at least a million different titles! We read these books and thumb through more, but these are not books that we would actually buy anyways. Caffeine can also be found at this particular place.
I choose a mocha and Real goes for the gingerbread. We eat sweets, drink our frappes, and talk. (Really, is there a seasonal bi-polar syndrome? If not ,there should be.)
Magazines,comics and collectible books are read.
The evening is finished by some of us with a night cap to the devil's five and dime.
Really a nice, quality evening.
Posted by
12/09/2006 05:01:00 PM
Labels: books, caffeine, dinner, everything in between, family, random
Crazy ass people!
Everyone that I have talked to in the last month asks, "Have you gotten all your christmas shopping done?". People, I do not celebrate christmas.
Now, I understand that the majority of America celebrates cmas, I do not. When I was younger and at home, I celebrated this holiday. Up until 2 years ago, I even put up a tree. Now, I assure you that my celebration had nothing to do with jesus. To me, it was all about what do I get this one, and what's that one gonna get me.
I now have decided that I do not want to continue the maddening cycle of greed. I also do not believe christ is my personal savior. Those two things together pretty much throw christmas out the window. So, I just view this time of year as a time to spend with family and friends. No gifts needed.
In closing, to all you crazy ass people out there that say to me, "Have you gotten all your shopping done?", & that are driving around the mall parking lots for two hours to find a place to park, & are stressing over if they will like it or if it will fit them, I will say this so you understand me, "Shut the fuck up already!
Posted by
12/06/2006 11:29:00 AM
Labels: holiday, life, pisses me off, public awareness issue, ranting, send em' all home
"What day is it?"....
The last 4 to 5 days have pretty much been a blur for me. There are several reasons for this.
Apparently one should not swallow enormous amounts of highly chlorinated H2O. "Why Ranting?", you ask. Well general audience, it will not only go into your stomach but also into your lungs if you are unlucky.
Now, the way this happens is you are in 12' water, YMCA safety device is wrapped around you (this is policy for any class taught in deep water) as tight as possible, without making you loose your lunch into said water. The cursed noodle is being used. Crunches in water are being done by yourself and the rest of the class. The damn noodle is trying to wiggle it's way out from behind you. This noodle does not care if you are tired or not. You still must fight to stay on top. Do not let the noodle win. Superiority is a must!
Well, my noodle won.
As I plunged my butt towards the bottom of the pool, working my abs ever so hard, the noodle jumped out from under me, flying into the air. Now, as this happens I push back to take a deep breath of air, but all I get is water.
Thank you YMCA for making me wear that damn safety belt. It kept me from making a complete fool of myself and actually drowning.
The outcome of this is days of being sick with a respiratory infection. I had to pay $50.00 for 5 pills. FIVE PILLS PEOPLE! Now for those who are not math geniuses, that's TEN dollars per pill!!!!
Today I awaken out of my Nite Time Elixir daze.
By the way, psuedoephedra is a great thing in cold medicine. It's too bad the meth heads can't keep there hands off of it. I had some old stuff left and then had to buy some new. The old stuff was soooo much better.
I find myself sitting here by myself. The hubby is in Mississippi visiting family.
I have a party to got to tonight, but I fear I will not be in full gear to entertain people as I normally do.
Posted by
12/02/2006 08:52:00 AM