Last night we went out with some of our friends. We met these people because we share a common interest. Corvettes. Now I must admit that I was not keen on the purchase of The Vette when my husband decided to do so. Now I think I have completely changed my tune.
"Why?", you ask. Well, I can give you some good reasons. Keith, RT & Sarah. They are a great bunch of people. If you are ever curious, check us out at Scenic Vettes.
Too Much
Posted by
12/31/2006 05:01:00 AM
Labels: family, fun, Inebriated, silly me, weekend
What the fuck!?
That's right people, I said fuck. Now we all know this is one of my most favorite words. Can someone please tell me why people freak out over curse words? And why are they called "curse" words?
Having said that, I know that I am around the age of becoming a parent. I can't very well have little children running around screaming fuck all the time. But why? It just seems wrong to me because I have always been told that it was a "bad" word.
What if i told the children it was a "grown-up" word that they couldn't say until they ripened in age? I am unsure...
As far as the kid thing goes, my hubby and i have 9 parents and 1 bitch to contend with as grandparents.
What? ...You say, "how can one possibly have so many grandparents?". Well, here's the laundry list of people who will be grandparents, should my husband and i decide to reproduce.
His side:
mom & step-father
biological father &step-mother
adoptive father & the bitch
My side:
mom & step-dad
dad & step-mom
Until later my pets...
Posted by
12/29/2006 06:50:00 PM
Labels: changes, family, life, pisses me off, public awareness issue, ranting, wisdom
Envy & Despair
Sorry about the no posting lately people. Lots of things going on.
I found out that my best friend, Yes, best friend since sixth grade thankyouverymuch...she's gonna have a baby! Yay! The best of luck wished for her and her hubby!
Also, my grandfather is in the hospital, due for open heart surgery tomorrow. six bypasses.
Lots goin' on, I just didn't want you all to think that I abandoned the blog world. I love you guys and could never leave you!
Posted by
12/28/2006 02:11:00 PM
There's so much more about you that you never let them see
You turn away
But not to me
And I know how they tried to take you
Held you up and meant to break you down
But you can't be
For so long I tried to reach you
I know I'm almost there
I'm close enough for you to see
You've been hiding in the shadows
Have you forgotten how we used to dream
Let me remind you
The light doesn't blind you at all
It just helps you see
Can you see
Yeah you have become
Yeah you have become beautiful
And I can't be the stranger
That's been sleeping in your bed just
Turn around and come to me
I feel all the pain inside
And everything you been denied you feel
It's all you feel
You've been hiding in the shadows
Have you forgotten how we used to dream
Let me remind you
The light doesn't blind you at all
It helps you see
Can you see
Yeah you have become
Yeah you have become beautiful
Yeah you have become
Yeah you have become beautiful
Brush back your hair and look around you
Feeling like the truth has found you here
You're here with me
Let love become the mirror
With no fear where you're from
You have become beautiful
Posted by
12/23/2006 05:50:00 PM
Labels: everything in between, life, lyrics
To all my blogger peeps...Happy Hanukwanzamas!
Posted by
12/22/2006 06:23:00 PM
No take backs...
It has been a strange week since we last met my fellow blog friends. I have had several things happen to me.
On Monday evening of last week I received a message from my mother to call her.
Now, as many of you know, I have harsh feelings about the past with my mother. (which apparently she is oblivious to). So I talked to her and found out that my 31 year old uncle killed himself the previous Saturday.
Now, no one in our family has talked to him in about 8 years. There was a falling out when my grandfather died. Of course it was about the estate. This caused great friction between my mother, aunt and their brother.
We are unsure as to why he did this. Details are few. I am so mad at him. He took the cowards way out. he left his wife and his mother to mourn him. Also, I am mad at myself, for ever thinking of doing this to my own husband. Keep in mind people, this has not crossed my mind in several years. But, I must admit, I have been beaten down by the darkness that is depression. Speculation is that my uncle was battling this same demon.
I do not go to funerals and I refuse to "view" dead people. I think that it is rude and disrespectful to look at the deceased when they can't look back at you.
Here I sat in some random funeral home chapel, against my will, forced to drive three long hours with my mother because I felt obligated to. I must add that I only did it because I did not want her to drive up by herself.
I had an epiphany that day. It could very easily be me mourning the death of my mother or my brother whilst filled with regret. My mother and my aunt both cried and I held my cousin's hand to comfort her. My cousin and I agreed to not float away from each other like he did.
You can't take back regret...
Posted by
12/19/2006 01:12:00 PM
"Blogs are public..." Well, duh!
Begin forwarded message:
From: Randall
Date: December 21, 2005 11:58:40 AM EST
To: Dave
Subject: [johnmacsgroup] DOSTip: Blog confessions are NOT Private.
Teen Pleads Guilty After Blog Confession
Wed Dec 21, 6:27 AM ET
An 18-year-old passenger who caused a fatal crash by pulling on the
steering wheel pleaded guilty to DUI manslaughter after prosecutors
discovered a confession on his online blog.
Blake Ranking wrote "I did it" on his journal three days
after the October 2004 crash that caused a friend's death and left
another seriously injured. He had previously told investigators he
remembered nothing of the crash and little of its aftermath.
Blake was sitting in the back seat as he and then-17-year-old friends
Jason Coker and Nicole Robinette left a party when he pulled the
steering wheel as a prank, causing the car to somersault off the road.
His blood alcohol content after the crash measured 0.185, more than
double the legal limit.
Robinette, who was driving and had no traces of drugs or alcohol in her
system, was seriously injured. Coker lay in a coma at Orlando Regional
Medical Center until he died Jan. 11.
"It was me who caused it. I turned the wheel. I turned the wheel that
sent us off the road, into the concrete drain ..." Ranking wrote in the
blog. "How can I be fine when everyone else is so messed up?"
Ranking later retracted his words, deleting them from the blog and
penning an explanation.
"People say I 'contradict' myself since I 'already admitting pulling the
wheel.' I didn't 'ADMIT' anything. I went on a guilt trip, and I posted
the story that I WAS TOLD . . . Nicole told me I pulled the wheel, I
believed her," he wrote.
Still, the confession forced him to lead guilty Monday to manslaughter
charges. He could have gotten 15 years in prison, but defense lawyer
John Spivey and Assistant State Attorney Julie Greenberg recommended
five years in prison, 10 years of probation and a permanent license
Circuit Judge Mark Hill agreed to impose the sentence Dec. 28.
Greenberg said she had planned to use the blog as evidence, a first for
the office covering Lake, Citrus, Hernando, Marion and Sumter counties,
but almost certainly not the last.
"Anytime a defendant confesses, that is very relevant and important,"
she said.
Ranking posted the lyrics to Eric Clapton's "Tears in Heaven" the day of
Coker's funeral, but prosecutors said his remorse was not always
apparent in his blogs, which included entries railing at Coker's mother
because she asked him to stop calling and coming to the hospital.
"He lost the best friend he ever had," Spivey said in Ranking's defense.
Ken Coker, Jason's father, said his family never wanted prison time for
Ranking, but they wished Ranking would stop writing about them because
they felt the blog was insensitive. He said Ranking would benefit more
from psychiatric counseling.
"There's not enough forgiveness in the world," he said.
Posted by
12/09/2006 06:13:00 PM
Labels: public awareness issue, ranting
Random Meetings
Tonight the hubby, BIL and myself wondered around Chattanooga doing what would seem to some as random.
Now, we usually always have Chinese food.
This is a much debated subject. No one ever knows what they want to eat, so we give up and eat at the, (no, not Jimmy), buffet.
After the "random" dinner, we decide to partake of technology and literature and caffeine, oh my!
Which loosely translates into stopping by the buy that is the best, taking in crafty things, and looking at food that we wouldn't actually buy anyways.
After that there is the splendid world of books and coffee. You should see this books store. I bet they have at least a million different titles! We read these books and thumb through more, but these are not books that we would actually buy anyways. Caffeine can also be found at this particular place.
I choose a mocha and Real goes for the gingerbread. We eat sweets, drink our frappes, and talk. (Really, is there a seasonal bi-polar syndrome? If not ,there should be.)
Magazines,comics and collectible books are read.
The evening is finished by some of us with a night cap to the devil's five and dime.
Really a nice, quality evening.
Posted by
12/09/2006 05:01:00 PM
Labels: books, caffeine, dinner, everything in between, family, random
Crazy ass people!
Everyone that I have talked to in the last month asks, "Have you gotten all your christmas shopping done?". People, I do not celebrate christmas.
Now, I understand that the majority of America celebrates cmas, I do not. When I was younger and at home, I celebrated this holiday. Up until 2 years ago, I even put up a tree. Now, I assure you that my celebration had nothing to do with jesus. To me, it was all about what do I get this one, and what's that one gonna get me.
I now have decided that I do not want to continue the maddening cycle of greed. I also do not believe christ is my personal savior. Those two things together pretty much throw christmas out the window. So, I just view this time of year as a time to spend with family and friends. No gifts needed.
In closing, to all you crazy ass people out there that say to me, "Have you gotten all your shopping done?", & that are driving around the mall parking lots for two hours to find a place to park, & are stressing over if they will like it or if it will fit them, I will say this so you understand me, "Shut the fuck up already!
Posted by
12/06/2006 11:29:00 AM
Labels: holiday, life, pisses me off, public awareness issue, ranting, send em' all home
"What day is it?"....
The last 4 to 5 days have pretty much been a blur for me. There are several reasons for this.
Apparently one should not swallow enormous amounts of highly chlorinated H2O. "Why Ranting?", you ask. Well general audience, it will not only go into your stomach but also into your lungs if you are unlucky.
Now, the way this happens is you are in 12' water, YMCA safety device is wrapped around you (this is policy for any class taught in deep water) as tight as possible, without making you loose your lunch into said water. The cursed noodle is being used. Crunches in water are being done by yourself and the rest of the class. The damn noodle is trying to wiggle it's way out from behind you. This noodle does not care if you are tired or not. You still must fight to stay on top. Do not let the noodle win. Superiority is a must!
Well, my noodle won.
As I plunged my butt towards the bottom of the pool, working my abs ever so hard, the noodle jumped out from under me, flying into the air. Now, as this happens I push back to take a deep breath of air, but all I get is water.
Thank you YMCA for making me wear that damn safety belt. It kept me from making a complete fool of myself and actually drowning.
The outcome of this is days of being sick with a respiratory infection. I had to pay $50.00 for 5 pills. FIVE PILLS PEOPLE! Now for those who are not math geniuses, that's TEN dollars per pill!!!!
Today I awaken out of my Nite Time Elixir daze.
By the way, psuedoephedra is a great thing in cold medicine. It's too bad the meth heads can't keep there hands off of it. I had some old stuff left and then had to buy some new. The old stuff was soooo much better.
I find myself sitting here by myself. The hubby is in Mississippi visiting family.
I have a party to got to tonight, but I fear I will not be in full gear to entertain people as I normally do.
Posted by
12/02/2006 08:52:00 AM
Things I missed Out On
Failed drug test
Moved in with some girl
Begging family members for money
Mooching of the mother
Stealing Pawpaw's lawnmower
Threatening death
Tears in vain
Posted by
11/28/2006 03:28:00 PM
Labels: changes, family, pisses me off
KracK KoKaine
I went to dinner with the BIL tonight. It was nice. Afterwards we drove around looking for somewhere that was open we could all hang out at for a while. Luckily we found a book store with one more hour to closing. So, we enter, split up, and eventually find each other right before we leave to depart each others company. Funny... hugh!?
The hubby and I are driving home and we realize we are within "spitin' distance" of the local Krispy Kreme. YUM! We of course bought one dozen original glazed and one dozen of choc covered custard filled/choc covered cream filled.
I really can't wait until the holiday is over....I can't stop eating them! I think they must put drugs in yummy foods like this. Although, when I checked out their homepage, I was relieved to know that all ingrediants used were "kosher"!!!!!
Posted by
11/26/2006 05:50:00 PM
Labels: life, public awareness issue, weekend
Everyone say a BIG thank you to The Daily Bacon for finding such a gem.
Posted by
11/24/2006 01:48:00 PM
Where the hell?......
Where the hell has RMW
been over the last few months. Remember people, it went off the grid. Sucked up into some kindda' blogger black hole. WTF?!?!
Now, it appears that it has bee restored.
I have worked to bring this blog up to par. And now, after all JUST reappears!!!! Uggggghhhhh!
Thank You Blogger, but I'm tired and don' t feel like moving AGAIN!!!
So, all old post can be viewed here.
Posted by
11/24/2006 04:30:00 AM
Labels: pisses me off, public awareness issue, ranting
Non-Springer Thanksgiving
Well, the turkey day has passed. It was rather uneventful. Which was nice for a change. I didn't get cussed out or made fun of. I even didn't get to leave my family get together in tears as I usually do. It was great.
I did have to miss out on seeing parts of my family I really like. I guess that everything costs something. Nothin' is for free.
My brother in law is gallivanting around in the Garden State as we speak. I hope he'd havin' a good time. I missed him at the Jordan/Carty bash. It was nice though.
D got to take his mom for a spin in the Vette. She said it reminded her of riding a horse. Funny how LIFE makes a circle when you least expect it.
Posted by
11/24/2006 03:51:00 AM
Tagged Holiday Style!
Thanks to The Lesley, the WHOLE world has been tagged. I think that includes me. Happy Thanksgiving people!
1. Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate?
I am torn, I like them both.
2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree?
3. Colored lights on tree/house or white?
I like the white lights on outside. No tree for us.
4.Do you hang mistletoe?
No. My cats would eat it!
5. When do you put your decorations up?
when I get off my lazy ass.
6. What is your favorite holiday dish (excluding dessert)?
Chicken/turkey & dressing. Homemade of course. I hate the boxed stuff!
7. Favorite Holiday memory as a child:
Receiving a 3 story Barbee house as a gift. Yep, it had an elevator!
8. When and how did you learn the truth about Santa?
When I was awakened my noise coming from the living room. My parents were putting together my bike.
9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve?
Yes, with immediate family usually.
10. How do you decorate your Christmas Tree?
We don't put up a tree. We light candles instead.
11. Snow! Love it or Dread it?
12. Can you ice skate?
Never tried.
13. Do you remember your favorite gift?
Hello people, of course it was the Barbee house in #7.
14. What's the most important thing about the Holidays for you?
Seeing my family and donating toys to our fire department.
15. What is your favorite Holiday Dessert?
Pumpkin pie!!!! YUMMY!
16. What is your favorite holiday tradition?
Hanging out with my husbands immediate family.
17. What tops your tree?
Again, no tree.
18. Which do you prefer giving or receiving?
It use to be receiving, but now it's giving.
19. What is your favorite Holiday Song?
Ya' know Adam Sandler sings it...Oh yeah, the Hanukah song!
20. Candy Canes?
Small minty ones. Preferably spearmint green!
Now, even though I am sure these people are already tagged by the above mentioned blanket tagging of The Lesley, I tag: Spinlizzy, Blanc Noir, and that guy with the juicy brain. So,get to bloggin' people! 'Cause tag, you're it!
Happy Holidays!
Posted by
11/22/2006 11:51:00 AM
Labels: holiday
I am very thankful for...
- G-d.
- My husband and his love.
- My family that loves me unconditionally.
- My small circle of friends, no matter how loose that circle becomes.
- Our home.
- The animals that we have and their love for us.
- A good job and a great manager.
- The ability to donate food and money to the less fortunate.
- Forgiveness
- Life
Posted by
11/19/2006 08:48:00 AM
Lighten the load....(on my chest).
I am very tired tonight. So forgive me if I ramble. I have some things to get off my chest and well, if you're reading this, then I have an audience.
I know that I generally don't get all talky and shit, but here goes.
I have not spoken to my mother since sometime in July. For me this has been a relatively good decision. Now, I found myself trying to decide if I will make an appearance at Thanksgiving dinner at my grandmother's house. The mother parental will be there. Of course my asshole brother will be there as well.
He is really the main reason, I guess, that I have not spoken to them since summer.
My brother is 10 yrs younger than me. Hey is a punk. Last time I asked, he had lost his...oh 16th job. He dropped outta' school and mooches off my mom. Of course for some reason my mother is under some sort of fucking spell that he was placed on her. I swear, he could set her hair on fire and she would ask why we were pissed of at him.
So enough of the background. My bro ,J, calls my house several times in aug,june,and july to tell me that he ran into this person and that person. Problem is they are all my ex boyfriends. HELLO!!!! Why the FUCK would I care about what they are doing?!?!? There is a reason they are the Ex-s!
The fact that J is just a general fuck pisses myself and my husband off, but now he's calling to tell me that he saw so and so that I use to date. D is not happy about that.
The last time J called it was the same bullshit. I blessed him out and he said some stupid shit like, "can't a nigga' ask a question?!?".
Hello your fucking white!
So I hung up, called the mother of this piece of shit, she hung up on me!!! URGHHHHHHH!
So, I called and left a rather fantastic message on their machine. Grow up people! (I am sure I said fuck at least 4 times in said message).
I guess I got my point across, 'cause aint a soul called. Fuck 'em.
So I will go to D's family stuff. His mother has always loved me no matter what. That's unconditional. No matter if I'm bein' a bitch or not, she still loved me...
Also, I got a pretty good brother outta' the deal to. Thanks R.
Yes, there are lots of things no one knows that happened to me as I was growing up. There are harsh feelings toward my mother for other things, (all of which she would deny) but I don't really want to go into that now.
I do miss my mom.......oh, wait......I only miss the idea of what I wanted my mother to be...
Posted by
11/17/2006 04:18:00 PM
Labels: pisses me off, ranting, wisdom
In The End
One thing
It doesn’t even matter how hard you try
Keep that in mind I designed this rhyme
To explain in due time
All I know
time is a valuable thing
Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings
Watch it count down to the end of the day
The clock ticks life away
It’s so unreal
Didn’t look out below
Watch the time go right out the window
Trying to hold on but didn’t even know
Wasted it all just to
Watch you go
I kept everything inside and even though I tried it all fell apart
What it meant to me will eventually be a memory of a time when I tried so hard
And got so far
But in the end
It doesn't even matter
I had to fall
To lose it all
But in the end
It doesn't even matter
One thing I don’t know why
It doesn’t even matter how hard you try
Keep that in mind I designed this rhyme
To remind myself how
I tried so hard
In spite of the way you were mocking me
Acting like I was part of your property
Remembering all the times you fought with me
I’m surprised it got so (far)
Things aren’t the way they were before
You wouldn’t even recognize me anymore
Not that you knew me back then
But it all comes back to me
In the end
You kept everything inside and even though I tried it all fell apart
What it meant to me will eventually be a memory of a time when I tried so hard
And got so far
But in the end
It doesn’t even matter
I had to fall
To lose it all
But in the end
It doesn’t even matter
I've put my trust in you
Pushed as far as I can go
For all this
There’s only one thing you should know
I've put my trust in you
Pushed as far as I can go
For all this
There’s only one thing you should know
I tried so hard
And got so far
But in the end
It doesn’t even matter
I had to fall
To lose it all
But in the end
It doesn’t even matter
Posted by
11/14/2006 02:22:00 PM
Rock & Roll Ain't Noise Pollution
I submit this video for your entertainment. There are 2 reasons I thought this would be interesting.
#1 I was driving home today, and heard on the radio that there is a true air guitar t-shirt in the works. Yes, that's right, a t-shirt that emits the sounds of thrashing while the wearer plays air guitar.
#2 It's air guitar dude!
So I googled said t-shirt, and alas, no luck. Awesome idea though.
Instead, I give you the air guitar champion!
Party On!
Posted by
11/13/2006 10:59:00 AM
Voting is over...
I will begin by saying that I have fears. Many of these fears can be explained here:
I must go now....I have some guns to bury in the back yard.
Posted by
11/09/2006 01:41:00 PM
Why is it that....?
- people on the freeway must drive with their bright lights on?
- people don't make eye contact anymore, and if they do they rarely smile or say hello?
- there are leash laws in GA, but apparently I am the only one on my Mtn. who cares?
- people throw their trash out their window, as they drive by my house?
- no matter how many times you tell some people something, they still don't "get it'?
- bathing suits ride up your crack, even if you are standing still?
- my cats think the dishwasher is 'The Mother Ship"?
- friends think that it's OK to dump you and set plans for their significant other?
- my nose is stopped up and running and the same time?
- my husband really doesn't do much in the house, but swears he pulls 50% of the load?
- (I'm still thinkin' about the last one...)
- mothers sometimes don't give a damn about one child but love the others?
- people blow their noses at the table, in restaurants, one table over from me?
Posted by
11/08/2006 12:56:00 PM
Why do people get so offended by the "F" word? It is one of my favorite expletives. Of course this to the chagrin of my husband. I just can't help it. As a good friend once told me, "you can use it as a verb, a noun, an adjective...It has so many uses and can mean so much."
My take on it is this, If I decided to say that the word 'sock' was a "bad" word, then spread the news of my newly found four letter word, perhaps in 20 years or so you would have to put s*cks on your feet instead of socks!
I found this entertaining and thought that I would share it with all you lovely readers.
The Myth of Bad Words
by anon
"Human beings love to be miserable. They won't admit it, but it's true. For all their
talk of "the pursuit of happiness", they really wouldn't know what to do with it if
they found it. People crave vexation so much that even when they don't have
anything legitimate to get upset about, they will actually make shit up just so they
have an excuse to throw a hissy fit. The concept of the swear word is a prime
example of this manufactured aggravation.
A bad word. A curse word. A swear word. A malediction, malison, imprecation, denunciation, execration, anathema, proscription, commination, expletive, disparagement, vilification, or vituperation. Bad language, strong language, foul
language, colorful language, blue language, unparliamentary language, profane language, or harsh language. There's almost as many terms to describe these words as there are words themselves. But are these terms accurate? Is there
really something bad about certain words? Fuck no!
As children, we are usually introduced to the concept of a bad word because an
adult hits us or yells at us when we say one. "Don't say that! That's a bad word!",
*SMACK*! There's nothing like an open handed slap to the mouth to convince a
small child to adopt your point of view. Even when it's a view based on ignorance,
prejudice, and complete stupidity. Of course, the only thing this really teaches the
child is that you'll treat it like shit if it says any of these bad words. It doesn't
explain exactly WHY the word is bad, or exactly WHAT is bad about it. There's a
simple reason for this, and that is the fact that there is NO SUCH FUCKING
First of all, a word is nothing more than a sound or a combination of sounds, or it's
representation in writing or printing, that symbolizes and communicates a meaning. It's a fucking tool. Tools are a good thing. Is a hammer bad? How about a screwdriver? Sure, these tools could be used in a bad way. But even that is subjective territory. While you might consider it bad for me to jam a screwdriver into your eye socket, or smash your toes with a hammer, I might just as well find these activities to be a very good thing. But just because a tool may be used in a bad way doesn't make the screwdriver intrinsically bad. So why should a word be treated any different?
I've asked several people who believe in the myth of bad words to explain to me
exactly why the word is bad. It usually goes something like this:
Sickopath: But why is the word bad?
Brain Dead Moron: Because it is.
Sickopath: That's not a reason, that's a declaration. We have already
established the fact that you think it's a bad word, but what I'm asking you
to do is to explain to me why it's a bad word.
Brain Dead Moron: Because it is. I don't know why, it just is.
Sickopath: So what you're saying is that you can't tell me why it's bad, but
because you think, for reasons you admit you can't explain, that it is bad,
I'm just supposed to go along and believe something you can't even prove,
yet still insist is true? Jesus FUCKING Christ, what next, are you gonna try
and get me to believe in God? How about Santa Claus? Do you think he's
real too?
Brain Dead Moron: *blank expression*
Brain Dead Moron: *gears turning, minutes pass*
Brain Dead Moron: You mean Santa isn't real?
What is it about this concept that everyone seems to buy into? I still want to know
why the word is bad. Why, damn it, why!?!? Is the entire word bad, or just a small
part? You can say luck. You can say duck. You can say truck, suck, puck, or
muck. But you can't say fuck. Oh no, that's a bad word! You can say mitt. You
can say bit. You can say hit, wit, knit, or pit. But you can't say shit. Oh no, that's
a bad word! You can say punt. You can say runt. You can say aunt, bunt or hunt.
But you can't say cunt. Oh no, that's a bad word!
But where's the bad? It would seem that "uck", "it", and "unt" cannot be bad,
because all those other words that contain them aren't considered bad. And the
letters F, SH, and C cannot be bad either, since they are all used in numerous
other words that aren't considered bad. Maybe it's something similar to an
unfavorable chemical reaction. Perhaps mixing F with UCK is the literary equivalent
of mixing ammonia and bleach. And maybe mixing C and UNT is like letting the
red phosphate boil over in an amateur meth lab (the reactions of certain females to
whom I've directed that particular word have been quite similar to such an
occurrence). But it's not just the letters themselves, it's also the order they fall in.
Putting the F after the UCK would not be considered a bad word. Of course, you
might offend a few latin pigs if you added an AY after that...
If a word is truly bad, wouldn't it be really obvious? If you punch someone who
doesn't speak english, there is no doubt in their mind that something bad has just
happened. There's no room for debate, and nothing needs proving. Yet, if you say
fuck, shit, cunt, or asshole to someone who doesn't speak english, they won't have
any clue as to what just happened. If the word really was bad, shouldn't it be just
as obvious as the punch? Again, where's the bad? Where's the beef?
Why are certain words bad? There's really only one answer to that question.
Certain words are bad because a few people decided to set aside a select group of
words and say, "These words are bad!". There is no logic. There is no reason.
There is no point. It was a completely arbitrary decision. Had they chosen the word
ice instead of the word fuck, we'd all be putting fuck cubes in our summer drinks,
and people would scream "Ice You!" when pissed at someone. If you tried to
segregate a group of people using the same lack of reason you used to segregate
these words, you'd be called a racist and compared to Hitler. But now because the
Word Nazis won the war, the entire planet is expected to speak a certain way. I
Then you'll encounter people who say they aren't bothered by a little swearing, but
they hate it when people swear many times through out a conversation. "There's
really no need to use that much swearing, can't you use another word?". Strange,
but I've never heard these people call for a cut-back in the use of the words and,
the, a, is, an, I, it, & to. You'd think that if redundancy was really at the heart of
what was bugging them, they'd go after those words first, which are surely used
more often than any swear word.
But the stupidest prejudice held by people who believe in this nonsense is when
they tell you not to swear in front of children. Why not? Does hearing a swear word
stunt their growth? Does it cause cancer? Does it lower their I.Q.? What the fuck
does it matter if some fucking kid hears a fucking swear word? He didn't even know
what a swear word was until you told him about it. But like any good parent, you
won't be happy until every one of your fears and prejudices are instilled into your
kid before he starts pre-school. Little kids think swearing is funny because dumb
adults make such a big fucking deal about it. Stop it! The time has come to put
this silly custom to rest once and for all. With so many real things to worry about,
so much legitimate shit to get pissed at, there is no need for this concept to
continue for even one more day. Let us stop this unjust discrimination against
innocent words, and embrace them for the diversity they offer our language.
Let the myth die here."
"What's the big fucking deal?" -Eric Cartman
Posted by
11/03/2006 01:22:00 PM
Labels: pisses me off
So tired, but I feel so good!
I think that this is the most fun and enjoyable exercise program I have ever had the pleasure of participating in. What am I talking about? Well, let me tell you, I love the AquaFit program at my local YMCA! I get a great bit of exercise in and my feet don't hurt!(I have bad,bad feet!)
I feel so worked out, yet relaxed at the same time. If you have a Y in your neck of the woods, see if they offer this class. I highly recommend it. The only fall back is that it's only 3 times a week, not 5 or 7 days a week. I think I would go everyday if it was offered!
Posted by
11/01/2006 01:06:00 PM
YAAAAH for Me! I joined the YMCA! Aquatics are for me!
Posted by
10/30/2006 02:49:00 PM
Some sort of English
I feel that I must stress this again!
If you come to my country whether legally or illegally(if the latter, you should be caught, caged, & returned to your homeland,no matter where your are from!) , LEARN ENGLISH! At least have some ability to communicate with the people whose country your are in.
Posted by
10/29/2006 01:01:00 AM
Labels: pisses me off, send em' all home
Time is a thief, and there is a time theif.
Lately I feel like someone is sneaking into my life and stealing time away from me. I am usually not this frazzled felling, but as of late, I just seem to barely be getting the necessities of life taken care of. I have not even sat down to browse the vast and wonderful Internet all week!
I have started to walk every day, but that only takes about an hour. Maybe it is because time is changing and it is getting darker earlier.
Never the less, I have more magic bars to make for our annual pumpkin party. Everyone looks forward to it. I will probably make enough to keeps some at home. They are soooo good, how could I not?!?
Posted by
10/28/2006 08:59:00 AM
Labels: everything in between, time, weekend
3rd Time's A Charm
Allrighty, I saw a FANTASTIC movie last night!
Posted by
10/22/2006 01:16:00 AM
This Just In...
It has just come to my attention that some of my peeps are unaware of the fantasticnous of Eagle Brand Magic Cookie Bars!!!!! Please note, they are called "Magic", because they disappear as such!!! Hehehe!Please try this recipe:
Servings: Makes 2 to 3 dozen bars
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 25 minutes
Total Time: 35 minutes
1 1/2 cups graham cracker crumbs
1/2 cup (1 stick) butter or margarine, melted
1 (14-ounce) can EAGLE BRAND® Sweetened Condensed Milk (NOT evaporated milk)
2 cups (12 ounces) semi-sweet chocolate chips
1 1/3 cups flaked coconut
1 cup chopped nuts
Preheat oven to 350°F (325°F for glass dish). In small bowl, combine graham cracker crumbs and butter; mix well. Press crumb mixture firmly on bottom of 13X9-inch baking pan.
Pour EAGLE BRAND® evenly over crumb mixture. Layer evenly with remaining ingredients; press down firmly with fork.
Bake 25 minutes or until lightly browned. Cool. Cut into bars or diamonds. Store leftovers covered at room temperature.
Notes: Recipe Variations: Substitute chocolate chips or nuts with: candy coated pieces, dried cranberries, raisins, mini marshmallows or butterscotch chips.
Posted by
10/18/2006 11:25:00 AM
My Internets
Let me start with a disclaimer: I am not as technologically advanced as some of the people I surround myself with.
So, because of this, I feel kindda' unsmart when I deal with this type of stuff. I work in a lab with instruments and computers all day long, but I have very well written and even sometimes entertaining (alert,alert, sarcasm at an all time high) manuals to follow if I get into trouble.
Now, my poor father is also not very techno inclined. Unfortunately, he did not have the pleasure of playing Oregon Trail while in school. So he is actually much further behind the game than myself.
I obviously have those Internets at my house. He does not. I know how to goggle. He does not. When I read something the I have goggled, I know how to scan for important phrases. He does not. If I fail to find a particular thing that some half-cocked person has told him is on those Internets...guess what, I must not be looking in the right places! I am looking too fast, slow down, I can't read it all!!!
I love my father so much!
But damn it, get your own Internets!
Posted by
10/18/2006 11:13:00 AM
Gone sooo long...
Hello my precious blogger peeps! I know that I have been silent this week, but for good reason. I have cleaned out the cupboards and pantry to allow room for all my necessary winter foods. I like to keep a few on hand in case of snow.
Listen people, I heard you snicker in the back! I know that we don't really get that much snow here in North Georgia,however, when we do get it, it melts some during the day and refreezes at night. Plus we do get some ice storms. The bitch of the matter is that we live on a mountain, and well, the drive is all downhill as you would expect. If it ices or snow, I do not, repeat, DO NOT budge outta' my little driveway. Too dangerous.
I also have been doing some jewelry stuff getting ready for the holidays. I can't decide if I want to do gift certificates or not. I am unsure. But, I will decide that in the next week or so.
We went out of town last weekend. It was just fantastic. Most all of us had a great time. There was one in the party who didn't see to be enjoying themselves at all. SO all I got to say about that is keep you ass at home. Otherwise, it was a great ride. I hope we all get together again soon, (except the above mentioned person).
I have also been cooking a lot lately. I think we are saving money with me doing that, so we can spend our hard earned cash on fun stuff and not just eating out. Tonight we are having roast with potatoes and carrots. Yum! Followed by eagle brand magic bars. Yum! Yum!
Well, it is late, so I am gonna eat and chill out for a little. Hopefully I will have my other blogs updated tonight. Until then, enjoy your evening my friends!
Posted by
10/14/2006 11:37:00 AM
Quick Note
I know that I haven't posted much this last week, but we were out of town last weekend and well, I'm just tired. If you get a chance have a peek at Corvette Curve for some photos. We went to North Carolina for our Fall Cruz. It was great! Lots of color in the leaves at 5000-6000 feet.
More Later....
Posted by
10/10/2006 12:05:00 PM
Rushy, Rush, Rush!
I was rushed on the freeway going to work. 80 in a 55, ppl were still passing me!
I rushed around at work all day making sure all lab tests got rushed STAT & ASAP!
I was rushed on the freeway coming home until there was a person who was not rushed
I went to the grocery and rushed into my parking spot almost being hit by a car whose driver was rushing!
Same driver's daughter rushed me with a buggy as I walked in the door!
I was rushed at the checkout by some redneck that decided it was a good idea to stand on top of me while I slid my debit card and entered my pin. So close, in fact, that I looked at him and said "Excuuuuse Me!" So I could protectively enter said pin.
Now, I am home and not being rushed!
Posted by
10/04/2006 10:27:00 AM
Back Breakin' & Ball Bustin'
Today was a kinnda quick day. I worked and worked and worked and then, it was over! WooooHOO! Only four more to go people.
We did lots of yard work this weekend and it about wore me out. I discovered something though. I like to mow with the riding lawnmower. I have never in 28 years mowed on a riding lawnmower. I did not want to have to deal with gears and crap and just left it up to my husband. I would always weed-eat and push mow a small patch that the riding mower couldn't get at.
This weekend I was so tired after weed-eating almost the entire yard, that I asked the hubby to trade. IT'S GREAT!
I don't know why the hell the husband acts like it's the hardest thing in the world, It's not. Silly me!
Guess who will be using the weed-eater next time?!?!
Posted by
10/02/2006 10:25:00 AM
59 Things A Man Should Never Do Past 30
1. Coin his own nickname.
2. Use a wallet that is fastened with Velcro.
3. Rank his friends in order of best, second best, and so on.
4. Hacky sack.
5. Name his "unit" his name plus junior.
6. Hang art with tape.
7. Hang The Scream, unless he stole it from the Munch museum in Oslo.
8. Ask a policeman, "You ever shoot anybody with that thing?"
9. Ask a woman, "Hey, you got a license for that ass?"
10. Skip.
11. Take a camera to a nude beach.
12. Let his father do his taxes.
13. Tap on the glass.
14. Shout out a response to "Are you ready to rock?"
15. Use the word collated on his resume.
16. Hold a weekly house meeting with roommates.
17. Name pets after Middle Earth characters.
18. Jokingly flash gang signs while posing for wedding photos.
19. Give shout-outs.
20. Use numbers in place of words or locations, such as "the 411" for information, or "the 313" for Detroit.
21. Hug amusement-park characters.
22. Wear Disney-themed neckties.
23. Wake up to a "morning zoo."
24. Compare the trajectory of his life with those of the characters in Billy Joel's "Scenes from an Italian Restaurant."
25. Request extra sprinkles.
26. Air drum.
27. Choose 69 as his jersey number.
28. Eat Oreo cookies in stages.
29. Volunteer to be a magician's assistant.
30. Sleep on a bare mattress.
31. End a conversation with "later skater."
32. Hold his lighter up at a concert.
33. Publicly greet friends by shouting, "What's up, you whore?"
34. Wear Converse All Stars with a tuxedo.
35. Propose via stadium Jumbotron.
36. Decide anything based on the ruminations of Howard Stern.
37. Call "shotgun" before getting in a car.
38. Dispute someone else's call of "shotgun."
39. Whine.
40. Mist up during Aerosmith's "Dream On."
41. Purchase fireworks.
42. Google the word vagina.
43. Ride a pony.
44. Sport an ironic mustache.
45. Hit 13 against a 6.
46. Organize a party bus.
47. Say "two points" every time he throws something in the trash.
48. Buy a novelty postcard in another country of topless women on a beach and write, "Wish you were here" on it.
49. Keg stands.
50. Purchase home-brewing paraphernalia.
51. The John Travolta point-to-the-ceiling-point-to-the-floor dance move; also that one from Pulp Fiction.
52. Put less than ten dollars' worth of gas in the tank.
53. Keep a minuscule amount of marijuana extremely well hidden.
54. Read The Fountainhead.
55. Watch the Pink Floyd laser light show at a planetarium.
56. Refer to his girlfriend's breasts as "the twins."
57. Own a vanity plate.
58. Whippits.
59. Say goodbye to anyone by tapping his chest and even so much as whispering, "Peace out."
Courtesy MSN & Esquire
Posted by
9/29/2006 11:04:00 PM
Labels: fun
Can you believe the whole french fry scandal!?! Well, it's not so much of a "scandal" per say, more like...ummmm.......oh, the gov. trying to take away my right to eat crap if I wanna eat crap. Now, I understand the whole smoking ban thing. I even understood it when I smoked. Second hand smoke and blabidi-bla. However, If I choose to eat a "LargeAss" size order of fries, it will not cause the salad and yogurt eating person sitting next to me to develop some kind of disease. Well, at least we don't think it will for now.
If I want to go to the place where burgers are small,square,different and get an order of fries (even though I know that I shouldn't,but still do it anyways, cause there so damn good), It's my business! Not "YOURS"!
Thank G-d where I live is about 80 years behind the rest of the country....
No, for real. My county didn't join the rest of GA in the Union until 1945! That's 80 years after the Civil War!
Posted by
9/29/2006 02:02:00 PM
Coke VS Coke
I'll just come on out and say it...I am pissed that the original RMW just up and disappeared from blogger! It's like someone took my best friend and left me with something similar, but not really the same. I hope this turns out like the original coke vs. new coke situation years ago...maybe ppl won't like the new as well as the old and there will be national protests...and so on and so forth. Yea, I know I,m dreamin'.
So welcome back....ohhhh that reminds me of this....
Posted by
9/29/2006 01:29:00 PM
Return Of The Ranting
I hate this crap! I want my old blog back damn it, damn it to hell! PLEEEEASE give me old RMW blog back!!! I miss it sooooo!!!! Thanks for all the support from my blog friends. I shall rise against...(unless they erase this blog too...)
Posted by
9/28/2006 12:43:00 PM
I Own Guns
Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.
-Benjamin Franklin
A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed
-Second Amendment to the United States Constitution
"Laws that forbid the carrying of arms. . . disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes. . . Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man." -- Thomas Jefferson, Commonplace Book, 1774-1776
Posted by
9/25/2006 01:40:00 PM
Labor Of Love
This completely sucks. I am going to have to start all over. My original blog has just disappeared! Damn it!
Posted by
9/24/2006 01:30:00 PM